can am commander vs defender forum
Réservée au référencement des partenaires can-am ( forum, sites internet, blog, facebook ...). We have also had a Polaris but like the Can Am better. But the fam chases the white gold up north! When I get a chance will take pics of the 2 different defenders I have.

2005 500ss- 9,500 Miles Come join the discussion about performance, accessories, specifications, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Entrez ici les propositions, les dates de vos randos amateurs ou organisées par une association type club... Vous pouvez ensuite raconter vos exploits et aussi publier les photos ! The Defender XMR 1000cc will not knock your socks off performance wise. Just a personal liking to the Can Am for our family>>>>>>, I had no problems with the Deere at all or a matter of fact with any of the other machines we have had. something with 130ish hp in a hybrid x3 chassis with a box on it would be awesome. Can-Am Forum: Les posteurs les plus actifs du mois: carpes37 : Flavescens : steffan : Guyom : sergio31 : alaindiaz : Goupil30 : pacal85 : Turbo : skippy93230 : Membres les plus tagués: @carpes37 : @skippy93230 @AMAROK @Flavescens @Méjannes30 @Goupil30 @Guyom : @bernard30 @Jay : Connexion: Nom d'utilisateur: Mot de passe: Connexion automatique: :: Récupérer mon mot de passe: … Nice to take the storage compartments out if need to be. I think the seats in the xt-p are the same style as the xmr, they are said to be the best seats for a little more trail riding in a defender. have had the 6 wheel machines also from Deere>>>>  But in the end I will take the Can Am over the Deere now that we have had a chance to run them side by side. Wife and two boys are also snowmobile nuts! " I have a '19 HD8 XT - never wanted one, now I wouldn't be without it. What i really wish is that they would come out with an updated commander, but they didnt for '20. I used to use an ATV for same, this machine is way better. That is where these machines are nice for farm work and then just for the pleasure of riding them to go out for lunch some place>>>. Check out what I got to try out this week! 2009 MXZ 500SS- studs, grip & rip braces, summit seat, 1" riser, TNT shocks, WOT rack with roto-pax tank and LINQ medium doo bag on top, RAS2 front suspension. Tous ce qui est hors sujet ou qui dérape dans le bistrot can-am, ou qui rend la lecture ou la bonne compréhension difficile des sujets, ce verra atterrir ici ! The Defender pulled this set-up well on the hard ground, traction was an issue on the soft ground. No Need to Freeze-buy a set of these! Page 1 of 15 - Can Am Defender - posted in General Discussion: Check out what I got to try out this week! It is purpose built for mud riding, but I liked the extra ground clearance for working and it came cheap! Family,sledding, hunting , fishing, and shop time. Vous connaissez une adresse professionnelle à faire découvrir à notre confrérie. ATTENTION LES ADRESSES HORS-FRANCE sont laissées à l'appréciation de l'équipe du forum Can-Am. The 850 takes it to a whole different level. ** Disclaimer on this one - just because you can doesn't mean you should. Membres connectés au cours des 8 dernières heures : Membres fêtant leur anniversaire aujourd'hui : Membres fêtant leur anniversaire dans les 1 prochains jours: Les Régles, Nouveautés, Astuces et Fonctions.


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