can you whitewash over varnished wood

I asked one of the employees at Sherwin Williams and he said definitely sand it first. It won’t penetrate the wood unless you remove the previous finish, but you can sometimes achieve a similar look with a wash or dry brushing over an existing finish. I am planning on white washing and adding light gray accents by dry brushing. Thank you so much, Alyssa, I’m honored! But I wanted to start simple.

I used this paint by, My favorite house paint is by BENJAMIN MOORE and if I were to use BM paint on furniture it would be my wall paint color, Another post that I recently shared in the chair image below, shows you an alternate technique. If you are considering whitewashing newer planking, I would recommend staining it a bit darker first. I received accurate and helpful information from your blog. Any suggestions please? I’m unsure how I should be prepping the wood, if at all. This is just another reason why I love whitewash paint. I hope this helps! © 2020 Rachel Paxton (Maison de Pax). I love it! Thanks so much for linking up to our Link It or Lump It party! I’ve always wondered how this was done! Originally I was thinking of painting but now I’m thinking whitewashing them. Thank you, Holly! Then, when you whitewash, you can keep more of the wood grain showing through. You could certainly try some grooved planks at Lowes or HD (in fact, I think they sell packages of pretty thin wood for planking walls), but be aware that the white wood (often poplar, but not always) that they use for most products like that has much less grain to it than cedar does. So your painter was probably right; most sealed things need to be sanded before they can be whitewashed. The best paint to use is a water-based acrylic one. I would suggest turning the table over and trying the process first on the underside…if at all possible. The paint absorbed into the wood pretty well and it was such varied wood that nicks and scratches probably wouldn’t have shown anyway.

The stain versus clearcoat is an important distinction. I truly dig the idea of doing it ourselves. I was wanting to whitewash, but was thinking about using different color variations. Log in, How to Paint Furniture – A Beginners Guide, Monthly Social Blog Hops with the Best DIY Blogs, Supplies & Tools Needed to White Wash Wood Furniture, Find all of my favorite tools and products on my, « How to Make the Best Healthy Banana Muffins, How to Add Drawer Liners to Painted Furniture the Easy Way ». Required fields are marked *. If this works I am going to do my kitchen cabinets too. If it were me (and remember, I’m a make-it-up-as-I-go kind of gal ), I would do plank by plank.

Thank-you. People are always asking us about whitewashing reclaimed wood…. Hi Liz. I hope this helps! I have a credenza made of pine with great knots and wood grain but it’s stained in a glossy dark brown. And I LOVE the whitewashed planks... Do you? It’s tough to say…. Hi i have a question? More whitewashed attic tutorials now available: whitewashed door, reclaimed wood stairwell bookcase, simple side table. Hi there! as well as a good seal on top so that oils from hands touching the wall won’t discolor the paint. What is the best type of sealant for a dining room table that I just white washed? Hope this helps in some way! Though we stained and painted the entire accent wall and ceiling in the space (because we wanted the stain and paint to settle in the nooks and crannies authentically), I did whitewash the faux beams (which were used to cover the seams in the planks) on saw horses before installing them. Cedar is actually very rot resistant (which is why they use it for fences, etc. Did you have any issues with the latex bonding to the stain. What if you were to whitewash before putting it on the wall….how would you cover up the nails? Hope this helps and thank you! For both homemade and store-bought products, stir the mixture thoroughly before using. If it is completely untreated, then the world is at your fingertips. Anywhere that there has been grease or oil that may have gotten onto the wood may have trouble taking water based paint. Ours were tongue and groove. Thanks! Thank you so much, Nicole!

It’s my favorite for lots of projects! Hope this helps! Unfortunately, you may need to strip the varathane off if you really want to achieve a whitewashed look. I’ve tried all varieties of paint and it seems that I always fall back on traditional house paint or craft paint. However, the pedestal is lighter than the table top. We couldn’t…. . I bought a 1989 fixer upper and just took the upstairs carpet out… It is your post that inspired me to DIY plank the entire upstairs and complete your technique to them. I think it would look so much fresher ! Thanks in advance for your reply! Watch out, it really is rather addictive. That’s a great question, but it doesn’t have an easy answer, unfortunately. I hope this helps! I hope you have fun doing the dresser!! Can I ask where you purchased the ceiling light fixtures? I’ve always been told latex paint doesn’t adhere to oil based paint, Great question!


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