clown emoji meaning

Since yesterday, I've seen several off-handed references to what seems to be a pornographic video from the "B*den laptop." May convey that someone is silly or foolish or that something is creepy or scary.

This girl from my college came to me today & said “ i stalk you on tweeter everyday “ ahh creepy , — Yusra (@itsnotyusraxx) September 29, 2020., Juggling update Clown Face  features white or whitish face makeup, a red nose, an exaggerated red smile, and two tufts of curly hair (red or blue) on an otherwise bald head. , John M. Kelly writes a regular Emojiology column investigating emoji use. The image of a smiling clown face typically expresses silliness, hilarity, playfulness. Images of emoji are provided for information purposes only. All you need is to select, copy and paste this symbol: .

A classic circus or birthday clown. This not only blots out a past partner or pal but also presents the person as a metaphorical clown, or fool—a move as unsubtle as the bright makeup and bold features of clowns themselves. I will post a video of the birthday cake on my YouTube channel, so subscribe and be on the lookout!

Type the hexadecimal Unicode value digit-by-digit.

but not supported in LG, HTC, Messenger, Mozilla. The image of a smiling clown face typically expresses silliness, hilarity, playfulness.

Easiest way is to copy & paste, but other methods, like windows alt-codes and HTML-entities (for web sites) are also popular enough. A clown face, now known as the clown emoji, was approved in 2016, as part of Unicode 9.0. They still hold a reputation for general zaniness, and so we see texters and tweeters occasionally using Clown Face to mark the tone of a message as goofy or quirky, sarcastic or ironic, or just downright weird, as we’ll see in the following section. But this, THIS, the Liar-In-Chief points to as unprecedented obstruction by Democrats.

As some people find clowns creepy, the emoji is also sometimes used to mean that something or someone is scary or suspicious. emoji was approved under Unicode 9.0 in 2016.

For instance, the clown emoji wears crazy colorful face paint with a red nose and a wide smile. Copy Tweet with this button Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support emoji but you can still use it on other platforms. Very often, the emoji stands in for a metaphorical clown, or fool.

#Pennywise #Horror #TerrorTuesday

Clown emoji meaning.

On social media, strong critics of US President Donald Trump regularly refer to him as , or the Orange Clown. Then there is get the fuck away from me psychopath weird! It has been mentioned in several locations that sharing the alleged video is illegal, Reddit and Twitter are censoring it, and that people are being banned for even mentioned it (fingers crossed). Emojipedia® is a voting member of the Unicode Consortium. Emoji Meaning A classic circus or birthday clown. Remotely weird but not creepy like a strange coincidence or something ☠2. This method works only for unicode codepoints U+0ffff and bellow.

A classic circus or birthday clown.

A cartoonish design didn’t make Clown Face any less terrifying upon its release—or at least performatively so. Emoji of Clown Face can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in LG, HTC, Messenger, Mozilla.

The emoji is shown in complete clown make up, with a white face, a red ball nose, bright red painted lips, blue oval eyes and pinkish-orange tufty hair. #myCISB #CirqueduSoleil #kooza #beijing, We had a #Clown for my little #boy's #birthday! You may need to log off and back on to enable this input type. The Clown Face emoji was approved under Unicode 9.0 in 2016. Finally, perhaps due to the forced-seeming, off-putting cheerfulness of clowns—look no further than Samsung’s Clown Face design—people occasionally use Clown Face to communicate a kind of ironic detachment, with a sense of the strange or bizarre in some situation or behavior. Representations : Gary Privacy Scary Clown Joker Face can be represented by 🤡 emoji. we really thought we were getting a soft... chill song... lmao we're so silly . Emoji of Clown Face can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in LG, HTC, Messenger, Mozilla. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. Can someone do my homework please I’m too lazy and I’ll pay them , How do you tell someone their place could use a cleaning without them catching feelings? #makeup #costume, This past Saturday, #Shriners Clowns Bill (Railz) MacKinnon and Craig (Doc) Kazin celebrated Marion Rogers' 90th #birthday with her! Most often, it is used in the context of circuses, fun-fairs, children’s Birthdays, and other holidays, where the clowns are typical entertainers and welcome guests — in this sense, it serves as a symbol of Fun and …

Obviously, in most cases it serves as a symbol of luxury, power, and wealth — but sometimes it appears in sarcastic posts, which has nothing to do with luxurious lifestyle. The emoji resembles a classic clown’s face with white, While clowns are supposed to be funny and friendly to children, a significant number of people find them disturbing or scary, and they have been depicted as, or evil, such as the clown character of Pennywise from Stephen King’s.

Its cruel smile and lifeless eyes mask an unholy soul of pure, unspeakable evil.”. Each web service, device, OS, or gadgets may create emojis according to their style, inspiration, or vision.

Learn about him and other famous clowns in this list. It is commonly used to convey various silly, goofy feelings or that someone is acting like a clown ("foolish"). Clown Face Emoji Meaning: A seemingly innocent clown face emoji - just be cautious of the face when kids start going missing in Derry. The GOP refused to consider Garland for well OVER A YEAR.

For instance, the new Android Oreo has all-new emoji icons, so when you copy and paste it, the emoji character may look quite different on each device. Clown Face entered the emoji ring as part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016 along with some other colorful faces, including Lying Face, Nauseated Face, Rolling on the Floor Laughing, and, as we lassoed in our last Emojiology rodeo, Cowboy Hat Face. The clown emoji is my fav one to look at .

His big brother decided that he wanted to be a clown for the occasion! This emoji can be used to express something dumb yet funny at the same time. Many superimpose it on the faces of their exes or former friends when sharing old pictures on apps like Snapchat. it be the funniest shxt ever when women post old pics with ppl they not friends with no more & use some kinda censor to block their face. Most vendors depict blush on its cheeks. It wants to give you a balloon . Full collection of Emojis for iOS, Android and other devices. Emojis.Wiki — Emoji Meanings Encyclopedia. To do so, follow the below-listed characters to insert the clown emoji in your device: The clown emoji is featured with the face of a clown with the traditional look of this character. In the above images you can view how Clown Face emoji appears on different devices. @ITMovieOfficial was worth the wait emoji is frequently used when a person is describing something as scary or creepy.

The Clown Face emoji depicts the face of a circus clown. Silliness and foolishness, though, are often the target of judgment, and so Clown Face very frequently dismisses something or someone as a clown, as in a moron, dolt, or other such disliked figure. In sending or interpreting Clown Face, be mindful that this emotionally charged emoji puts on stages the circus, shall we say, of meanings. I toss out an answer if someone asks occasionally.

Besides, the clown face or clown emoji is used to refer to a real clown for children's birthday parties and other types of holidays, where the clowns are entertainers and typically welcome guests — in that sense, the clown emoji serves as a symbol of fun and laughter. Easy to Search, Copy & Paste! Platform-based emoji character artwork are subject to third-party copyrights. Hint: use Ctrl/Cmd+C keys to copy, and Ctrl/Cmd+V to paste emoji.

#HappyBirthday my little Dean! Clown Face emoji appeared on iOS 10.2, Android 7.0, EmojiOne 2.2.4 for the first time.

Trailers and theatrical posters for the film also featured an ominous red balloon, making Balloon a natural pairing with Clown Face online for all things It. Every guy in my dm’s trying to be respectful but come off creepy... “I’ll give you a massage if your back hurts ANYTIME”. yeah bro I want one of your massages , im not even involved in the ticketing but im scared wow its scary . Under version 2.2.4, EmojiOne had given it a more realistic appearance with a full wig of blue hair, partial white makeup, and a proportional, open-mouth smile.

Depicting a classic circus clown, Clown Face marks content related to clowns, including performers, circuses, birthdays, and other venues and activities associated with them. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; Apple® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc; Google® and Android™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc; EmojiOne™ are registered trademarks of EmojiOne Inc. Here you can see how clown emoji looks like on most popular devices: Apple / Facebook messenger / Google / Microsoft. Think emojis are all just fun and games? This Halloween I was an evil clown What about you and your costume? The red, comically large smile of Clown Face may not bring happiness to all screens, but one thing is for sure: We certainly find the 64-bit buffoon entertaining in one way or another. Most often, the clown emoji is used in the context of fun-fairs and circuses. Your only announcing that your deleting your Instagram because u want attention n ppl telling u not to do it.... which ultimately makes u a bozo . A clown emoji is a classic birthday or circus clown. Meaning of Clown Face Emoji. Features white face makeup, a red nose, exaggerated eyes and smile, and two tufts of hair (red or blue). More often than not, I have believed in people’s goodness and its left me looking like a clown. How to use 🤡 emoji? Hence, like other emojis, the clown emoji are also different on each platform, or social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google, Android, Windows, Samsung, HTC, LG, or other versions. The first clown to wear whiteface makeup and paint on large smiling red lips was English performer Joseph Grimaldi, born #OTD in 1778. The emoji is also used to describe something creepy or unsettling. There are so many of these questions for every symbol and emoji.


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