conchita gonzález garabandal 2019
So, I have always wondered how everyone (who is interested in knowing that the "warning" has been given) will actually know about it, unless they are keeping track on their computers It's not as though the newspapers and tv news are going to report on Conchita's announcement. Laura González ; María González ... Il 19 marzo 2020 è stato chiesto a Conchita se potesse darci qualche consiglio per questi tempi difficili che il mondo e la Chiesa stanno attraversando. I pray to Our Lady everyday for the warning so the whole world may come back to God! All rights reserved. My proposition that there will be two Saints associated with the date of the Great Miracle and not just one. •Data showing the degree to which masks protect us. The following posting ( summarizes hints that Conchita has left us. That is why Jesus condemned the Pharisees for requesting a miracle and that none would be given except for the sing of Jonah. Conchita only knows that the WARNING will occur within 12 months before the GREAT MIRACLE and she said she will announce the GREAT MIRACLE 8 days before. My heart pounding fast. Go to Confession, Mass and Communion and Keep in the State of Grace! Jesus said in the new testament that only God the father knew dates and time of anything that was to happen. So, be devout, pray and make many sacrifices, do your daily duties well, offer everything you do: For the love of Jesus, in Reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Pope and for the conversion of all poor sinners. No one knows when the WARNING will come. The sign of Jonah is a reference to his three days and nights in the belly of a huge fish and that Jesus would be in the heart of the earth for the same period after his crucifixion (Matt 12). Posted by: P. LaViolette I thank you, I love you, and will pray for you. It will fall, he says, on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima – the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus – which is May 13. April 13, 2020 April 14, 2020 stephen ryan 1409 Views. Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter, María Simma, le anime del purgatorio e Garabandal, Dichiariazioni della Santa Sede su Garabandal, La posizione della Chiesa nei confronti delle apparizioni mariane. He does not allow himself to name this drug for fear of being censored from the internet. She said that before the Warning takes place that it seemed that Communism had spread all over the world. This comment is incorrect. The church is St George and is in Taylor Pennsylvania! Mari Cruz González Barrido nacque il 21 giugno 1950. The Miracle is in an odd year and before the forth seal. Puoi decidere tu stesso se consentire o meno i cookie. A strong case for the date of the Great Miracle being a Thursday 11th April. Ora, quando le circostanze non ci permettono di uscire, probabilmente non potremo andare in chiesa o a Messa, neanche per confessarci, ma nessuno può impedirci di ritirarci nel più profondo della nostra anima per parlare con Lui, a volte per chiedere, altre per intercedere, lodarLo, benedirLo, renderGli grazie, adorarLo.Conclude dicendo: “Egli è tutto quello di cui abbiamo bisogno”. Matthew 24:36 "But about that day or hour no one knows ... As she says, "God is separating us from the values ​​of this world." Il 19 marzo 2020 è stato chiesto a Conchita se potesse darci qualche consiglio per questi tempi difficili che il mondo e la Chiesa stanno attraversando. The warning has to happen on an even year and it has to happen soon after a synod. She talks a lot about silence.

Alcuni di essi sono essenziali per il funzionamento del sito, mentre altri ci aiutano a migliorare questo sito e l'esperienza dell'utente (cookie di tracciamento). Maria ha scelto la parte migliore.” (Lc 10,41-42). Tanti “valori” che finiamo per anteporre a Loro, che invece dovrebbero stare sempre al primo posto. Subscribe to the Newsletter, Young Person, I Say to You, "Look at Him! Conchita González, sin duda la vidente más conocida de las cuatro, reside en Nueva York, desde donde coordina la organización Garabandal Center. Conchita will tell us eight days before the Great Miracle. I know she lives in Long Island, NY. You are the future of the Church. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site. Recientes palabras de Conchita González, vidente de Garabandal, en tiempo del corona virus. God bless all!!! Possible Date of the Great Miracle of Garabandal. Thank you Conchita for being obedient to our Blessed Mother. "Home of the Mother of all Mankind, Mother of the Youth" Foundation, If you would like more information about Garabandal or you would like to let us know about a grace or favor received, you can contact us by e-mail:, ©2019 Home of the Mother Foundation - Legal Notice - Cookies Policy. Conchita Gonzalez was her name. The words of Our Lady on the Mass: ‘You will never be able to understand its greatness’, A Medjugorje Prophecy from the Man Who Slept on the Ground: Water will flow on the Probrdo Hill at the Place of the Third Secret, Important document reveals: The visionary Mirjana talks about the first secret … “It is necessary to shake the world a little…It will cause the world to stop and think. That day is a Friday, however, the vigil of his feast day begins on the eve of the 13th, which is Thursday the 12th at 5:30 pm, and this seems to fit the criteria of the young martyr of the Eucharist on April 12th, 2018, at 8:30 in the evening for the time of the miracle occurrence. But it will be an even year according to Maria Loli. •The successes of the drug Ivermectin-Doxycycline in treating Covid. We will all know the date of the miracle as soon as the warning occurs. Questa frase ci ricorda le stesse parole di Gesù nel Vangelo, quando dice a Marta: “Marta, Marta, tu ti affanni e ti agiti per molte cose, ma di una cosa sola c'è bisogno. Please follow the two messages given by Our Lady of Mount Carmel during 1961 and Our Lady of Mount Carmel asked Ackangel St Michael to give the second message in 1965, because it was so sad for her to give. A list of the criteria that we know about the date of the predicted Great Miracle. ", Maria Simma, the Souls in Purgatory, and Garabandal, The Church’s Position on Marian Apparitions, Conchita gives us a message - March 19, 2020. •The criminality of the FDA for preventing the use of hydrochloroquinine outside of the hospital setting where it could do the most good as a preventative. Now the date I am posting this comment is March 30, 2017. I have mentioned that Pope Francis will visit Fatima during May of this year 2017, You should follow the two messages given by Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Archangel Saint Michael in 1961 and 1965, instead of choosing a date for the Great Miracle.

The Warning and Miracle will not take place this year as we are not in the situation that Mari-Loli talked about. What I've read and been told by those who have studied the possible dates for the miracle, points to April 13th, 2018, the feast of St. Hermenigild who was a 13 yr. old martyr of the Eucharist! The fact that there is a limited number of Thursdays 11th April remaining in the likely remaining lifetime of Conchita Gonzalez. This is how I understood it. Ti preghiamo di notare che se li rifiuti, potresti non essere in grado di utilizzare tutte le funzionalità del sito. So people can guess and make things up and try and work things out but they are wasting they're time as only God the father knows dates and times. Don't expect anything before those dates. She started weeping on October 15 coinciding with the Fatima apparitions! Publicado el: 20.03.2020. La última vez que pisó el pueblo fue en agosto de 2000, cuando falleció su hermano Serafín, residente en Garabandal. His father was the King of Spain and he was an Arian Heretic. Interesting, this Holy thursday date of April 6, 2045 falls close to the September 2045 date suggested by the Crab pulsar chronometer. Utilizziamo i cookie sul nostro sito Web.

27859. "Dio ci sta staccando dai valori di questo mondo. Existence in and of itself is a miracle, given the alternative....NOTHINGNESS!

Was this a figure of speech? Ceferino era sindaco del paese e, oltre ad accudire ai campi, aveva una piccola negozio all’interno di un’osteria. Since the Miracle of Milano has been occurring in an Orthodox church with the most recent event occurring on April 16th, Holy Thursday, I decided to choose Thursday of April 16, 2020 as the most likely. is the right time. god bless everyone & try to live the 10 commandments...Jesus asked us to love each other, But only one thing is necessary: Mary has chosen the best part” (Luke 10:41). It will be the April after it.

So Conchita doesn't have to say anything. She will reveal its happening to the world eight (8) days in advance. Ha una figlia, Maria, e attualmente vive nei dintorni di Los Angeles. Garabandal: Visionary Conchita’s Polaroid of the Virgin Mary…Our Lady tells visionary it is indeed her. But only one thing is necessary: ​​Mary has chosen the best part” (Luke 10:41).

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