guess the animal elephant answer

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Attempt all questions in order to find out that how much you know about various animals. What is the difference between TNC and MNC? Window Each Monkey had 1 parrot in each hand. Ocean Maybe you want to believe that the …

Knife View. Popcorn One of their absolute favorite foods is grass. Powered by. Doll Dragon Paper Some people start out the riddle by saying: “The battle of Mathematics and English. Nature Appliance You can also ask a question in case you don’t find one in our library of Elephant answers. Yes, Elephants are afraid of ants most especially the Elephants in Africa. Onion

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Why are animals so friendly to capybaras. Eye Guess the common names of these mammals.

If You Can Guess 7/10 Of These Animals From A Close-Up, Then You Must Really Love Animals. Guitar Birds are actually classified as Aves, not mammals (Mammalia.) It gets a little confusing and there are arguments for some alternative options depending on just how the riddle is worded.

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Bird I was once in a movie How many Animals are going to the river? Island Elephants are herbivores, just like other herbivores, they do not eat meat. View. Ring Binder Art Umbrella ‘1 Rabbit Saw 9 Elephants’ Riddle: Here’s How Many Animals Are Going to the River, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved.

The mothers are... An elephant spends between twelve and eighteen hours a day eating. I have a tail but I’m not a cat Astronomy Gold Coins We’re publishing another set of animal riddles today, with this batch all having elephant as their answer. But the way the riddle is worded should lead you to believe that the elephants all saw the same three monkeys.


Maybe you want to believe that the elephants each saw three distinct monkeys, which would mean that you had 27 monkeys and 54 birds, leading to 82 animals. But this is not true. if(!window.jQuery) alert("The important jQuery library is not properly loaded in your site. Bell

A monkey has two hands, which means two parrots per monkey. Snow

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Elephants are the largest terrestrial animals, it is befitting for them to have large ears. But I’m not one which is furry Microscope What is the difference between Astrophysics and Cosmology?

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View. To make things a little more confusing, some versions of this riddle use “to” and “toward” in it, with the monkeys “going towards the river” and the rabbit “going to the river.” It reads like this: 1 Rabbit saw 9 Elephants while going to the river. Blackbeard Icicle Save. Most people believe we’re left to imply that the elephants all saw the same three monkeys going to the river. Explore hundreds of insightful Elephant questions and answers (Q&A). you might ask. Honey Milk The birth ratio of white Elephants is 1 in 10,000 births. Volcano Lavender Pet Freezer Microwave

Map This fun quiz trivia on elephants will give you a chance to know a little bit more about them. Hole Punch The long ears, strong tusks and the muscular trunk are some peculiar features of the animal. Cookie Required fields are marked *, Guess the Animal Quiz Online With Answers. Weather Food Christmas Wreath Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out. Who use their long trunks to feed, Some are found in Africa Vampire Potato Washing Machine Cloud Silver Book Raisin Haunted House The first five of these rhyme, while the sixth is a What Am I? by Kodos. Living Room Piano Thunder

Canada Giraffe Who owns this nose? There is so much to know about them. The first five of these rhyme, while the sixth is a What Am I? Every elephant saw 3 monkeys going to the river. Each Monkey had 1 parrot in each hand. Elephants are a fascinating specie of animals. View. Pizza Mosquito Holly

BuzzFeed Staff What animal is this? What is the net worth of the owner of Mercedes? Plant Find interesting answers to your puzzling Elephant questions. This confusion arises from some people getting the “birds aren’t animals” part mixed up with birds not being mammals, which is true. Chicken Tornado Library Jumbo was a very big elephant, he weighed... Nowadays, an elephant’s tusk doesn’t weigh more than 100 pounds or so. View. What is the difference between African and Asian Elephants? The answer to this one is 5 animals. Science Candy Cane The word-based riddle typically reads like this: 1 rabbit saw 9 elephants while going to the river. Mummy

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Yes, Elephants are born blind. "); Kiwi Fruit That gets us a little off track, though. Although they look very similar at first glance, it is possible to tell if an Elephant is an African Elephant or an Asian Elephant. Necklace 12,526: Bedroom How many Animals are going toward the river? However, the African and Indian elephants also are known for living in the wild. 1/10. Instrument But both mammals and birds are classified as animals. Magic

Otherwise it would say something like “each elephant saw three different monkeys.” Also, if we go with the interpretation of the elephants seeing different monkeys with the way the original riddle is worded, then there’s no way to know how many monkeys the elephants saw, since some might have seen the same three while others saw different monkeys. How much does it cost to see a trichologist? The long ears, strong tusks and the muscular trunk are some peculiar features of the animal.

Sailing Rhyming Spooky Foot Taxi Every monkey holds 1 parrot in their hands. Fish Birds are clearly animals. Community Contributor . Mercury All of these features fulfil a specific function of the elephant’s livelihood that we could have never imagined. France Imposter Memes. You'll need a keen eye for this quiz. (function(d, s, id){ Diamond Sled The simple food is one of the easiest things to find on the savanna plains where they live. How many hours a day does an elephant spend eating?

Christmas Stocking ... An elephant.

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