—Extreme bluffing against Daniel J. "Oh? I’m fighting to protect my family from those that wish it harm, I doubt very much that your resolve is equal to mine.” – Jonathan Joestar, “Father…Rest in peace. Jonathan Joestar Dio Brando Robert E.O.
— Almost immediately after punching Tonio's spaghetti when it had mysteriously fixed Okuyasu's broken tooth. The one on your left side? Truly the most wonderful thing I have ever beheld… I have finally, finally tamed the sun!” – Kars, 17 Dark Elfen Lied Quotes Anime Fans Wont Forget. — The above line as it appears in the Duwang Scanslations (surprisingly enough, it's rather accurate to the Japanese version, save for the "garmmar" typo), — Kira losing it after getting so close to satisfying his urges, — Kira revealing his past and motives to a hospital worker and preparing to use, — Indirectly to Polpo moments before his death. Did you really think you'd be that lucky? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Quotes/JoJosBizarreAdventure. It's just such an unsavory thing to do. I'm done wasting my breath. They don’t scare me, I just can’t stand them fawning over the unworthy. in the dub), — DIO trying to bring Polnareff back to his side, — The whole ROAD ROLLER scene, on Dio's POV. —On the death of George Joestar and someone saying that the kindness of George ended that day. — Abbacchio deciding to join Bucciarati to defeat the boss. — Final words to Rubber Soul before complete, final beatdown. The name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon! —While escaping women's bathroom for a sneaking mission gone wrong. You were absolutely calm, as I’d expect from Hol Horse.” – Dio, “Go out there and take this useless world for all you can get.” – Dio, “I despise all mongrels. But in a larger sense on society, that is wrong. Was pretty fun. The same goes for the left. Serve me, Jack the Ripper. I may be your guest in your home but I’m not one to be trifled with. (''It's Italian for "Farewell"). How could I forget such an awesome quote? —Joseph, crossdressing, towards German soldiers. Time is stopped!" So keep your mangy mutt away from me, Joestar!” – Dio, “Know this. But I quoted a Led Zeppelin song, so it isn't too big a regret. But I ask you for a final favor, let the flames burn with your strength.” – Jonathan Joestar, “This ends here! Usually you would take the one on your left side. — Fugo to Narancia after stabbing him in the face with a fork. But this misbegotten oaf has given insult to our friend! —Abbachio refusing to reveal his stand while he, Bruno, and Giorno under attack. — While being held by Highway Star and given a way to get rid of him by handing him to Josuke. —To Alessi after he turned Jotaro into a kid and. I have nothing more to say to you. This is ‘society’.” – Funny Valentine, “Right about now, you’re probably wondering who I am. I like you, Jonathan, so I’m gonna offer up this little tidbit pro bono: living in the gutter, you learn to spot lowlifes pretty quick if you want to see tomorrow. I'm suprised that garbage game still has players. At long last, the Joestar fortune will be mine. For a moment I thought you were actually Josuke Higashikata trying to copy some Graduate's yearbook pose! I am Senator Philips! Who has done a single impossible thing in high school? — Rohan to Koichi when he questioned his motives for attacking him. If the first one takes the napkin to their right, then there’s no choice but for others to also take the ‘right’ napkin. Cookies help us deliver our Services. That's curious. I put that exact quote on mine too, I was going to use the napkin one but it's too long you know.
People are entitled to their opinions. I'll eventually become President! I beat the crap out of people, more than I have to. If this is my destiny, I accept it.” – Will Anthonio Zeppeli, “What is “Courage”? — Koichi cursing Kira after revealing he knows everything about him, — Jotaro to Yoshikage Kira, moments before unleashing a.
You can’t pay back what you owe with money.” – Jotaro Kujo, “Just shut up already. It’s your last meal. I still have the right to raise… I raise you my mother’s soul.” – Jotaro Kujo, “Ask for forgiveness from Enya, the woman you killed. I always thought living in a big city would mean meeting a lot of people. —Making it clear that he plans to ruin JoJo's life, and why he kicked the dog before.
so I taught them a lesson, and they never came back to class. Even though your grandfather, Joseph, told you the secret of The World, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?" I ask for only one thing in return.” – Dio, “Are you really trying to shoot me? Everything worked out according to the plan… From the very beginning! That's the one and only reason. Everyone else will take the napkin to their left, because they have no other option. Jan 23, 2018 - Explore Doris Diaz's board "Sassy quotes", followed by 1023 people on Pinterest. —Jonathan during his first fight with Dio.
The official mascot for Anime Motivation. Diavolo, after discovering that he planned to kill Trish all along. —On seeing Jonathan already being tended by Erina, —After punching said cop in the face while he was giving his.
However, if you truly wish to master Hamon in a month you must be prepared to die for it!” – Lisa Lisa, “The last thing I need right now is listening to trash like you, let alone being touched by you. Hope you enjoy it. Meanwhile, my quote was "Ah, I feel completely refreshed, like I put on a fresh pair of underwear on New Years Day" -Josuke Higashikata.
Funny Yearbook Quotes A fun image sharing community. — To Rubber Soul, followed with a punch in the face. Not happening.” – Muhammad, “DIOOO! Best place to wait is right in front of Lisa Lisa’s door. These funny senior quotes will take you back to your time at school. The life within me, newly created by Jonathan and I, will certainly hear his story.” – Erina Pendleton, “I don’t want evil from half a century to take you.” – Erina Pendleton, “No.
It's your last meal, Polpo. Here are the best quotes the anime has to offer, for anime fans! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Foo Fighters is love, Foo Fighters is life, There's a mountain (And it's mighty high). I like you. —Jonathan melting Bruford's sword with Hamon.
— Diavolo's signature phrase, and his greatest belief. 46 hours total, woke up for an hour on Saturday to eat and drink and an hour on Sunday to eat and drink. x}, Woo that was the one I suggested in one of these threads. — Bucciarati as his soul ascends into the sky during the battle with Chariot Requiem and Diavolo. The napkins are in front of you, which napkin would you take? Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. I probably won't ever find someone who sees me for who I am. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If I lose now, I'll spend the rest of my life cowering under Dio's shadow.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Well done, very fitting in context, especially if it's his last year of high school. Let’s get into those quotes, and share the best the anime has to offer. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is quick to anger….This pampered fool is nothing for the likes of Dio Brando!” – Dio, “I shall give you a chance. And as expected with a long-running Shounen, it has quotes that are a mix of inspiration, motivation, humor and pure nostalgia. You're approaching me? Take your time… enjoy it.” – Giorno, “You truly are the lowest scum in history. I've defeated every enemy I've faced! I’m going to make you cry like a baby!” – Jonathan Joestar, “I’m willing to see our transaction through, are you sir? — To his team members, defending his reasoning for betraying the boss. I had a hunch Jonathan’s run of trouble might not be done, so I followed him back home. At the moment you tried to kill me you weren’t sweating, and your breathing was even. They are the Vanguard. Be mindful of the other guests, now, but teach him a lesson!” – Erina Pendleton, “When I was a kid, I saw Mona Lisa from my grammar school art book….The fist time I saw her, with her hands on her knee…how do I say this…I had a boner.” – Yoshikage Kira, “Perhaps… Perhaps the time he foretold has come. You will not leave this place alive!” – Jonathan Joestar, “You are such a thoughtful boy, JoJo.” – Erina Pendleton, “Jonathan Joestar passed away into undeserved oblivion. r/StardustCrusaders: This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three: Stardust Crusaders, it covers … Press J to jump to the feed. —His reasoning to save Erina Pendleton, his future wife, in their first meeting. Those words mean nothing to us.” – Jotaro Kujo, “My fourth wish, that is…to not listen to your wishes, Magician’s Red won’t forgive you. !/Useless useless useless useless useless!!" And if my eye just happens to wander near the keyhole… Niiiiiice.” – Joseph Joestar, “Well, my arms are folded and my eyes are closed, this is a victory laugh, Esidisi. Or the one on your right side? —To Jonathan while leaving him to fall in fire, —Anytime someone proving too weak attacks him, before brutalizing them, —His response to being asked what his kill count is, — The very first utterance of "Muda muda muda muda muda!
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