mark steele military

Carnegie Robotics Joins! Watch here 8:09 minute mark: In the documentary 5G Apocalypse – the Extinction Event, Barrie Trower explains that microwave weapons were used in the past as it is today. pictures most frequently used by African scammers in military scams. The war against humanity today is not fought in the battlefields as in the past. All rights reserved (About Us). Smart televisions hooked up to the Internet can be used as surveillance tools. "My husband and I are going to try to work things out," Christa wrote on Facebook in January 2017. } 5G uses the same frequencies as Active denial System 5G radiation weapon, according to Forbidden Knowledge TV. In the U.S., the federal government disabled municipalities and city councils to opt out of the 5G rollout and it’s happening anyway. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Mark Steele microwave military weapons expert needs help to win court hearing to save the world from 5G! li a:hover .social-icon:before {background-color: #00076b; } Mark Steele addresses the potential damage to business and the economy from the paradigm shift in current technological developments; with particular regard to the lack of established standards that have evolved into unregulated 5G. Any further support of this indictable offence provided by you once you have been informed by this letter will demonstrate your real intent in regard to this crime. So if you think of moving out of cities to rural areas, you will not be able to avoid this hazard there either. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. CAMELOT IN EGYPT 2020 – TRIP NOW CANCELLED, CAMELOT IN EGYPT – REVIEWS FROM OUR GUESTS, “Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity”, ROUNDTABLE RE SATELLITE TRACKING AND SPACE WEAPONS, A Letter to all Targeted, Tortured, Trafficked Individuals Worldwide, KERRY’S VIDEO UPDATE: STATE OF PLAY ON PLANET EARTH, JAMES GRUNDVIG: AUTHOR & INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, CARRIE KOHAN: INTERVIEW TWO.

To mitigate your involvement, we demand that you cease and desist from your role in the rollout of 5G, so that the main architects of this criminal enterprise can be held accountable, while those who have been coerced into involvement can be seen to have acted in less serious roles. Since then, it’s turned into a phenomenon, seemingly mostly among British, middle-aged dads who spend half their evening scrolling on Facebook, looking for action to spice up their ever-so-ordinary lives. You can try again later. Who wants go shopping with their head stuck in a microwave oven? He explores the lack of critical scientific discourse on weapon systems; ubiquitous introduction and the ability of such weapon systems to damage real innovation, real business opportunity and the potential impact upon the future economic viability of the West. How can it be? As of June 7, 2019, 100,091 from at least 187 countries signed this appeal. Our exposure to this already dangerous radiation is going to increase exponentially and pose even greater challenge to our health. In a lecture highly censored by YouTube entitled 5G Satanic Agendas Exposed by Joe Imbriano (BSc. Other members of the group, like Jasper, had donated and later found out Steele was not who they thought he was, but were not able to speak out due to the group’s admins, so continued to be quiet. So how do conspiracies like this start? OUT OF MIND » MEMBER ADVERTISING & BLOG FORUMS » CONSCIOUSNESS OF ECONOMICS » Mark Steele microwave military weapons expert needs help to win court hearing to save the world from 5G!

The Accessories and Abettors act 1861 as amended by the Criminal Law Act 1977 covers all those who can be shown to have known of this human rights crime yet who have not acted in accordance with the law. As millimeter waves of the 5G don’t travel well, as they beam at such high frequency that can only travel in direct line from one point to another, they can easily be blocked if there are any physical obstacles in the way, according to 5G is scheduled to be rolled out across the UK and much of the so-called ‘Developed World’ in 2020 …”. According to Trower, it happens all over the world. The government page belonging to his company, Reevu, confirmed Steele was born in 1960, and a Chronicle Live story taken from his 2018 trial confirmed he still lived at Percy Gardens. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien is the 1st known transgender person to be killed this year. CDC plans COVID concentration camps by Jon Rappoport. But a dense web of sensors, meters and cameras allied to facial recognition programs means our every move can be tracked”.

Steele-Knudslien, 47, entered a not guilty plea during his arraignment and is being held at the Berkshire County House of Correction without bail. Because the beams are concentrated in this way, this adds to their power, which means they are able more easily to penetrate buildings. After speaking to Jasper, I wondered what else I could find out about Mark Steele, so I did the classic investigative technique: I typed his name into Google. I am bringing to your attention the scientifically established fact that the rollout of 5G technology and the experimental LED carrier assets are indictable offences under domestic and international laws, and a crime against humanity and the environment. But it also means that any living creature that gets in the way of such a concentrated beam will be subjected to a powerful dose of extremely high frequency radiant electricity.”. […] Figure 7 shows the gaseous attenuation for oxygen absorption and for water vapor absorption as a function of range, over and above the free-space loss given in Figure 1. Yet it had raised almost £20,000 and had 529 supporters behind it.

And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.

Would you like to react to this message? It stated that “5G is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under resolution 39/46” (What Is 5G and the IoT?). Hydroxychloroquine – COVID-19, and Big Tech’s Medical Treason, Isle of Wight Stop 5G Beach Action 26 July 20.

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This is a video made by Amazing Polly, a brilliant Canadian commentator and vlogger. An autopsy by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner concluded that Christa Steele-Knudslien was both stabbed and beaten, with bleeding out as the ultimate cause of death. If you still need more proof about the lethal frequencies that 5G uses, look no further.

Another member, Jasper, told me he’d previously seen Steele talk on 5G at an event in London last year, where musician-turned-activist Sacha Stone was promoting an anti-radiation tool. .gallery-item.grid-item .inbox .caption small {color: #000000;} This NGO is called “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,”  commonly known as ICLEI (pronounced Ik-lee). FFWN: You Can Observe a Lot Just By Watching! gtag('js', new Date()); No one on the Facebook group had posted about this, and if they had, it’d been quickly deleted. 116-119). We may already be over this level, and if so, simply continuing our current exposures will lead to eventual extinction. I personally noticed how they removed the tellers from all the bank branches to only one branch in the city. Do what I did: ditch your smartphone for a “dumb” phone to stop this slippery path to genocide and total control; basically, we’re heading a genocidal tyranny… It’s up to us to decide our fate!

Thanks! These vulnerable populations include pregnant women, young children, unborn children, the elderly, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the chronically ill, and the disabled (Ronald Powell, PhD, Letter to FCC on 5G expansion). In case you are wondering, Global Stop 5G are not sitting still! The Telegraph warns that these streetlights may double the cancer risk, according to a new research. 5G devices should not be brought home at all, including 5G smartphones and routers. He recently interviewed Barrie Trower, a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert (in the 1960s).

This is called IOT, the Internet of Things that anything which can be connected to the system and gather information and perform surveillance on us will be connected to this system. margin-bottom: -15px; .align-pagination .pagination > li > a:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > li > span:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a:focus,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span:focus {border-color: #000000; color: #000000;} Police then conducted a 29-minute recorded interview with Steele-Knudslien after again reading him his Miranda rights. To manage…, COVID-19 Increased. The United Nations Office is located in Geneva and NATO headquarters and the European Union Institutions are located in Brussels. Annie Logical, another known anti-5G campaigner, had previously tried to discredit Steele by claiming he had connections to Gateshead Council.

Check here the population projections for your country here I suggest that you subscribe to her channel and follow her. Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien, 42, was killed in North Adams on Jan. 4, 2018. Do You Believe Him? A Question About Extraterrestrials On Everybody’s Mind: Are They A Threat? Do you think this is too Orwellian reality? Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. To find out exactly why dads are so obsessed with this stuff, I requested to join one of the more prominent Facebook groups, Stop5GUK. No one on the Facebook group had posted about this, and if they had, it’d been quickly deleted. He told officers he and his wife got into an argument, claiming that she was "always belittling" him, according to police. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} Conspiracy theory expert and author Andy Thomas told me: “When obvious gaps are left in public knowledge, it is inevitable that people have to fill them with their own speculation.


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