terrible puritan names

Joy-in-sorrow. Obviously, their victory was short-lived, and in 1660 some people decided England should be a monarchy again. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. But, for some inexplicable reason, he decided to go by the name, Jesus-Christ-came-into-the-world- to-save. 302 babies got this name in 2012. Praise-God. Felicity. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Die-Well. I love this post & have a question about it.

“Humiliation” for example, in medieval times, meant an reduction in social rank. The name “Puritans” (they were sometimes called “precisionists”) was But, for some inexplicable reason, he decided to go by the name, Jesus-Christ-came-into-the-world- to-save. Dancell-Dallphebo-Mark-Anthony-Gallery-Cesar. Do-not-tramp-upon-your-fathers-fathers 6.

Probably. Despite their eccentricities, the Puritans did leave us some beautifully resonant names.

Just two years later, in 1662, Puritan priests were expelled from the Church of England if they refused to accept the revised Book of Common Prayer. Brother of "Damned Barebone". John Bond (Puritan) Thomas Boston; William Bradford; William Bradshaw; Anne Bradstreet; William Bridge; John Brinsley the elder; Thomas Brooks (Puritan) Hugh Broughton; Robert Browne; John Bunyan; Peter Bulkley; Anthony Burges; Cornelius Burgess; Jeremiah Burroughs; Henry Burton; Nicholas Byfield; Richard Byfield A brother of Farewell Sykes, who died in 1865. All rights reserved. Verity.

I did not know that example. What do Neanderthal burials tell us about the start of humanity? If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned. The Puritans believed that reforms had not gone far enough and advocated for a church entirely divorced from Catholic ceremonies. I can only imagine this name shortened to "Save.".

Ostensibly, the goal was to give children godly names that wouldn’t be tainted by unbelievers using them. I am a Puritan fan. Prudence. But by the late 16th century many Puritan communities in Southern Britain saw common names as too worldly, and opted instead to name children after virtues or with religious slogans as a way of setting the community apart from non-Puritan neighbors. I can only imagine this name shortened to “Save.”. The name saw a burst in popularity in 1999—due. ( Log Out /  Arabella (#174), Leah (#41), Mercy (#729) and Renata (#505) are four of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns in this compilation, while Constante (TOP 17%) is a common last name. Kill-sin Pimple did Jury service in the 1650s. Fear-not. Here is the list of Puritan names for boys. Many names such as Joy, Hope and Faith are still used today, and the idea of using virtues as names remains as people coin modern words for names (i.e., Serenity, Chastity [surprisingly …

Change ). But some Puritan names just got odd. I’m a fan in some ways, but there is the whole ‘burning witches’ thing… still, love the names. My brother in law has a copy of his family tree going back many generations with a Puritan ancestress named “Be Fruitful” Brockette. A wide variety of Hebrew names came into common usage beginning in 1560, when the first readily accessible English Bible was published.

They were the ones who dealt the death blow to aristocracy and seriously started the ball rolling on individualism and merit replacing class and birth rank. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned. Religious persecution seems to have been a lot worse before and after the commonwealth than when the Puritans were in charge. Sorry-for-sin. I've dreamt up a few to add to the list: 1. 13 babies got this name in 2012.

I wonder if you could email me at rebeccaonion at gmail? The Quakers alone developed fixed prices for goods in shops, drinking chocolate, and set up lots of businesses that looked after their workers as well as they could. FYI: Witchcraft in England and the Colonies was considered a civil crime, tried by civil courts. For over a century, Puritans argued amongst themselves, schismed, predicted the end of the world, and still found time to fight the English Civil War and start colonies in the Northeastern United States. Obedient, hard-working Ruth was also one of the popular Puritan names. Hi! Richardson. The parts of about everything positive in the modern world, democracy, individualism, religious freedom, the end of slavery world wide (until recently anyway), industrialism etc that traced through England, started with the Puritans. Silence (Silence was one of the few of these names to be used up north, it appeared in Derbyshire records in 1877) Creedence; Dust; Diffidence; Desire (7 babies got named this in 2012) Make-peace; Ashes; Tace (it’s another word for silence, and is of course a female name) Placidia We can assume they had rather pessimistic parents. Die-Well. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault.html, “It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read.” – Lemony Snicket | Quoth the Girl, Puritan names: What were those parents thinking?

Humiliation (Humiliation Hynde had two sons in the 1620s, he called them both Humiliation Hynde), No-merit (NoMerit Vynall was born in Warbleton, a haven of beautiful names), Sorry-for-sin (Sorry-for-sin Coupard lived in Warbleton), Silence (Silence was one of the few of these names to be used up north, it appeared in Derbyshire records in 1877), Tace (it’s another word for silence, and is of course a female name), Kill-sin (Kill-sin Pimple did Jury service in the 1650s), Liberty (129 were born in the UK in 2012), Felicity (302 babies got this name in 2012), Prudence (13 babies got this name in 2012), Verity (131 babies were born with this name in 2012), Trinity (69 Trinities were born in 2012, the name saw a burst in popularity in 1999, due to a particular film, I guess), Dancell-Dallphebo-Mark-Anthony-Gallery-Cesar (son of Dancell-Dallphebo-Mark-Anthony-Gallery-Cesar, born 1676.


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