what happens after ascension
Canada Source: COVID-19 strain to change, 2nd Lockdown, Virus spread to get worse, reset-debt-relief, force vaccination, isolation camps … – Oct 30 2020 = DARK WINTER in CANADA ? I usually hear what sounds like a faint but very high pitched note like a tuning fork used to tune guitars. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind. This is all about you now. (13). Also you will notice lines, what I mean by this is wherever you look you will see these lines and think that you have been staring at your computer screen too long. 5:12). This is fairly normal as we are just at the beginning of the 5th dimension, and still seeing parts of the third sometimes. A: Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: You will agree that all of the troubles and heartache you may have experienced will seem so distant that they no longer have a place in your life.

said, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you,, (John 16:7). You will  feel this in your left side of your brain also as these electric currents charge up different centers used for the Afterlife or Eternal life, whatever you want to call it. I have this experience all the time, as I know many of you do as well, so I know it to be very true and very possible.

See EXCLUSIVE In5D Videos and Articles on Patreon. Tradition says he Jerusalem. Do not rely on liner timeframes and dates.

As you breath in your body sucks in all the negative energy and transmutes it turning into positive energy. 7 Common Experiences With The Ascension Process - You're Not Alone! When Jesus hung on the cross, he looked forward to the glorification of himself and the joy of that time (Heb. You no longer have a desire to heal others, bring up the vibration of the planet, teach new ways of being, read spiritual materials, meditate, SAVE anything or anyone, or participate in anything that has a spiritual intent. AS – you DO NOT DIE SPIRITUALLY, YOU ARE ETERNAL SOULS, YOU will MOVE back up the DIMENSIONS, This is NOT to be confused with those WHO have been trained or wrongly programmed believing that there is NO GOD or HEAVEN. It is difficult to be in crowds and you are no longer able to participate in anything that has to do with group energy. 13:32). It won’t bother you as you will get used to it after a while. Q: Has there been a pattern to lightworkers’ incarnations? (1) SaLuSa, Nov. 28, 2012, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm. Usually when you die, you ascend into your light body within a few minutes and you astro-travel back to God with your Guardian Angel and your Spirit Guide(s). (14). You will feel your pulses of your neurons as they are sending signals firing up little electrical currents in your brain (synapses) to different parts of your right brain. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. More and more people will understand the concept that love is the answer in every situation that comes to the forefront. “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). It is a SLOW and a CONTINUAL PROCESS BLESSINGS to PROSPERITY is in the WORKS, YOU ARE SUPERNATURAL ETERNAL BEINGS! You are in charge of your ascension. You feel very lonely, have but a few friends and loved ones left that you regularly connect to, and no one really thinks like you do, nor understands your view of reality.

I did research on the Human brain over 30 years ago and always wondered why we only use 10% of our left brain. Do not blame others or let yourself get down when something did not happen when it was supposed to happen based on something you read. Jesus -. You needed to not care about what is happening elsewhere, as what is happening elsewhere no longer has anything to do with you. The channeling may be accurate but not coincide with the linear time you are experiencing. The awakening process is filled with many unexpected turns and twists. It is upon you. Q: What will Ascension itself open up for us? ( Log Out /  You have simplified your life to a large degree, removed yourself from lower and denser energies, and you feel that there is nowhere left to go. [FT], The Final Battle Between the Light and the Dark || Mark Baughman – Oct 30 2020, dutchsinse: Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey — Major damage across region & Escape from Paris: City is gridlocked as 10s of 1,000s flee, violent protests and shelves are stripped ahead of New Lockdown that BANS travel – Oct 30 2020, X22 Report — Episode 2315: Economic October Surprise, Dark Winter Countered – Oct 30 2020. SOME CABAL who FIGHTING AGAINST US, HAVE BEEN REMOVED, SOME WENT BACK to the LIGHT, while OTHERS were REMOVED from the Planet, some still ARE BEING removed, as UNDERGROUND BASES are being BLOWN-UP ! And they are ARRESTING the CABAL then blowing-up these CLONING and child TRAFFICKING bases. This was same sound I would get after reading my Bible for about half an hour before I ascended. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. After Ascension your life style will change to one that no longer causes worries or stress. (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; First, it is ridiculed. Just know that you are  not alone…. After Ascension your life style will change to one that no longer causes worries or stress. I usually hear what sounds like a faint but very high pitched note like a tuning fork used to tune guitars. Full Moon October 31st! As Jesus approached the cross, he prayed, “And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (John 17:5). A spiritual gift is an ability to serve God, given initially by Christ. I find when I do certain meditations or play certain sounds,  the Tibetan bowls or higher frequency training videos that you can increase the power inside you and bring it up. The sending of the Holy Spirit – John 16:7, The giving of spiritual gifts – Ephesians 4:8, The imparting of spiritual power – Acts 1:8, The preparation of a heavenly home – John 14:3, The standing of the believer Romans – 8:29. The following chart identifies some of the results of the ascension of Christ. The outside, or old world, had to become so unpleasant that you would be willing to let it go. These lines run horizontally and finely spaced about one 6th of a centimeter in width. These are glorious times. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.He is co-founder of Liberty University, with Jerry Falwell, in 1971, and was the only full-time teacher in the first year of Liberty’s existence. You have now reached your center, or rather the eye of the storm, the space in between thoughts, the now, and where it all is. HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! So in a way you could say you are giving life. You may notice this like I did. What Changes Will Happen After Planetary Ascension? It travels along your unseen etheric silver umbilical cord through the universe that you use for OBE’s (out-of-body experiences) or astro-travel. USE it with INTENTION This is fairly normal as we are just at the beginning of the 5th dimension, and still seeing parts of the third sometimes. It happens at first sometimes 10 times a day, at other times it’s not as loud. This occurs many times during the ascension process, each time that a critical mass is met within and sometimes without. INTEND: GREAT THING for HUMANITY and YOURSELVES – JOY & PEACE, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, PROSPERITY for ALL beings, ETERNAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and LIGHT! You will  feel this in your left side of your brain also as these electric currents charge up different centers used for the Afterlife or Eternal life, whatever you want to call it. 2:9). We call this event Pentecost (Acts 2). If you focus on this, things will come up to the surface nudging you. Maybe you stole something. Be YOU!

Saving others or meddling with intentional desires to help others when not asked, is also very out of alignment with being an Earth Angel. WEAR AMETHYST and CITRINE while ASCENDING and clear quartz is powerful too. This entrance into heaven is only possible because “the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus” (Heb. Focus on the things in your life that do not serve your highest and best good and release these things. A: SaLuSa: Dramatic changes will follow Ascension, many of which you should have already experienced. The Timelines Are Going to Begin to Split. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.” January 28, 2016, athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/29/mike-quinsey-a-message-from-my-higher-self-11/. Sometimes when you turn your head you will sense it. Thomas is believed to have preached the Gospel to the Parthians, Medes and We do not know what happened to the others. also believed that he worked for the Lord Jesus in England. 1. Q: What will be the shape of the new world? This is God’s pure universal love binary system downloading into you, the organic living computer. Answers are inside where Love and Light exist. DO NOT “FEED the FEAR,” send LOVE instead. 5. was crucified by his enemies. It happens at first sometimes 10 times a day, at other times it’s not as loud.

It has been 4 years now, in the next 2 months and has tapered down. Look inside yourself and ask yourself what do I not feel good about? USE the VIOLET FLAME When Jesus ascended to his Father, those who trust Christ as Savior ascended with him. He vanished from the scene before the Ascension of Christ. You are needed at these times. You will feel your pulses of your neurons as they are sending signals firing up little electrical currents in your brain (synapses) to different parts of your right brain. He has written over 2,000 reference and/or popular articles and received six honorary doctoral degrees. 2:6). is fairly normal as we are just at the beginning of the 5th dimension, and still seeing parts of the third sometimes. Bring it into your life with love and happiness and joy. So in a way you could say you are giving life.

by king Herod Agrippa (see Acts 12). Channelled by Mike Quinsey,” January 28, 2016, ibid. I Am the Sun Christ within High Frequency Light Language Transmission, http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm, http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/29/mike-quinsey-a-message-from-my-higher-self-11/, http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm, Healing with Sound in Ancient Temples: 111hz, Planetary Ascension: A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.


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