Therefore, a balance must be struck between the two. As you can see, my vassal duke has his troop contribution penalized by 5% for being over my vassal limit by 1.
Vassals are forbidden from declaring war both within and without the realm. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thus, they trade off taxes vs levies, rather than taxes and levies vs opinion. So, the ruler may shift the focus of vassal obligations, trading off taxes for increased levies - set separately for nobles, clerics and burghers. You could have also posted it as a comment or a new answer. It is relatively safe to raise taxes on mayors, as they can't rebel and barely provide troops anyway. I have been consolidating counties into duchies, so now I have a total of 14 dukes under me and no counts as direct vassals. Being over the vassal limit incurs a penalty to vassal taxes and levies, 5% for each vassal you're over the limit.
Oct 14, 2014 @ 7:15am Vassal Limit I suspect this will become the bane of my existence as a paint the mapper, won't it.
Do you know how the game determines which vassals, if any, leave? However, AI vassals will adopt feudalism quickly if they share their liege's religion and culture. In return for their vassals' loyalty, the liege provides protection from external hostile forces. Can you help me so to triggered modifier. The lower it is, the fewer taxes and levies a vassal will provide.
Burghers do not seek out marriages, but will accept marriage proposals as long as they are at least 25 years old. probably in your dreams, the wiki actually lists everything that influence vassal-limit, so in fact it does answer the question how to increase it pretty conclusive. The alternative names for patrician lands in merchant republics are: It is possible to turn counties into tribes, republics or theocracies, government types that usually only rule barony-tier titles.
When using this strategy, it may be advantageous to select courtiers of a different religion, as they are less likely to adopt feudalism and are subject to free revocation. The only exception (requiring The Republic DLC) is a specific type of ruler: burghers of duke rank or above with a coastal capital, who are grand mayors of merchant republics with four other patrician families as their vassals. What does rain 雨 have to do with mold 霉 and bad luck? I only found how it affects on opinion. Under the Feudalism system depicted in Crusader Kings II, rulers grant parts of their personal property (their demesne) to vassals in exchange for a cut of their taxes and levies. Happy vassals pay their full taxes, usually give more levies, are less likely to rebel, and (without Conclave) may allow you to raise tax rates.
I'de like to take a look. Where can i find defines or modify it to do more strict penalties for exceeding vassal and demesne limit?
Realm peace can be temporarily enforced via the Council tab regardless of the standing law. So while you might end up earning more money, if you're not careful you'll never actually get to use that extra money for anything useful, instead using it up in unit upkeep and bribes. Rulers can only be vassals to a single higher-tier liege.
In addition, every bishop will pay tax to you if they like the antipope more than they like the real pope and their liege. A character's vassal limit can be seen by opening the Realm menu (key: F2) towards the bottom-right. However, to keep holy orders as vassals, the liege should ensure that grandmasters have at least -20 opinion of them, otherwise the grandmaster may declare independence and leave the realm(with no way to stop them).
I mean, in file triggered_modifiers we have only modifier for bankruptcy. On the flip side, merchant republics should aim for more vassal republics due to no "Wrong Government type" penalties. The count portrait is identified by a silver ring, curled by a coloured ribbon. But another problem is in interface. I also didn't look at the taxes, but I assume it's also 5% per vassal. For every vassal above the Vassal Limit, -5% is imposed on vassal taxes and vassal levies, up to -95%.
When granting titles, prefer characters with high stewardship skill (as well as, Arrange for mayors to marry women with high stewardship, Educate the sons of mayors, or select new mayors by matrilineally marrying candidates to mayors' daughters. A good antipope can draw most of the church tax from your kingdom, easily dwarfing the income you get from your demesne and direct vassals.
That is, it seems like you lose the extra vassals when they die, not when you die – so whichever vassals die first are the ones you lose probably. EDIT by asker: I'm not sure if being over the vassal limit caused it, but when one of my vassals died, his heir was no longer my vassal.
I did penalty to prestige when you are bankrupt, but it is not displayed and bankruptcy for opinion is named as lack of funds. This thread is archived. The duke portrait is identified by a jeweled silver ring, curled by a coloured ribbon. Empires that expand beyond their de jure territory are likely to require vassal kings. rev 2020.11.2.37934, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Nomadic vassals do not provide levies to their liege.
It sounds like you have a very expansive empire at this point, so don't be afraid to consolidate kingdom viceroyalties in one person, especially if they are smaller kingdoms. However, it also enables female claimants to wage adventurer wars against you. Unfortunately, the liege tends to desire the opposite.
Nomadic clans do not pay taxes to their Khagan, while tribal vassals do not pay taxes to their tribal liege, unless their tribal liege is a vassal of a ruler following a non-tribal government . A ruler of a powerful vassal theocracy can serve as the Lord Spiritual, potentially relieving some of the pressure to put incompetent feudal vassals in important council positions. If non-nomadic vassals have a positive relation with their liege, they will pay taxes, but the amount of income they provide is mainly dependent on two factors: If Conclave DLC is enabled, the ruler may shift the focus of vassal obligations (under realm laws tab), trading off levies for taxes, instead of opinion for more income. They are considered feudal for the purpose of comparing government types, and will not resent having a normal feudal liege due to 'wrong government' penalties. Sending a child or grandchild to be educated by a vassal (or by their courtier) increases the vassal's opinion by +10 for 11 years. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You need more modifiers for different conditions, "And how to do a progressive without copy-paste same code for different trigger numbers?". The resulting opinion penalties (or bonuses) for changing tax law is temporary.
This is especially important to consider when it comes to the Catholic clergy. Most council positions first become available to women related to the ruler (dynasty members, close relatives, wives, and concubines), landed vassals, and in some cases nuns. A character must at least be a count before they can be granted higher-tier titles. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.
It is required to control a minimum of 2 duchies to create a de jure kingdom. Because vassals can only rebel against their direct liege, rulers need not be worried about the opinions of vassals under their direct vassals. Pippin123. Could you potentially turn a draft horse into a warhorse? At the second highest level, it is possible for Muslims and nomads to pass Agnatic-Cognatic succession, which in turn allows matrilineal marriage. I also didn't look at the taxes, but I assume it's also 5% per vassal. I don't know why prestige is not showing. What Point(s) of Departure Would I Need for Space Colonization to Become a Common Reality by 2020? If it does apply to sub-county vassals this is much more of a problem, as city taxes typically provide the bulk of an income. Thank you, it works! After winning a holy war, consider granting cities to your burgher vassals rather than giving them away along with the county title. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
The resulting opinion penalties (or bonuses) for changing tax law is temporary. Allows agnatic-cognatic succession for Muslims and nomads, Enables possibility of absolute rule (can now roll back on council laws), Free retraction of vassals, even from kings, Peace improves the economy, especially with, Vassals' levies contribute to siege defense, May help keep any one vassal from growing too powerful, Restricting internal wars may encourage vassals to focus on external wars, which expand your realm, Restricting external wars prevents vassals from launching holy wars, which risks tanking the religion's. The estates of the realm depict the most important social classes of the Middle Ages - spanning from Christian Europe to the lands of India. Revoking bishoprics without opinion penalty, Proving Ridge Regression is strictly convex. All rights reserved.
Bruto income and expenses. Catholic kings and emperors might want to "invest" in a vassal theocracy for their (and their descendants') coronation, as the Pope's demands in return for coronation can be exorbitant. What are all fantastic creatures on The Nile mosaic of Palestrina? Shuffling counts into Duchies should lower the amount of direct vassals and thus the vassal count. I mean vanilla condition "demesne too big" is not triggered modifier. And another question, should i use triggered modifiers, because state when you exceed demesne limit is not "triggered modifier". There are several ways to get non-feudal count+ vassals: The most common objective of having tribal vassals is to have them convert tribes to castles quickly and cheaply. I want to trigger if you demesne is too big when vassals hate you (vassal_opinion= -30 for each holding? With the Conclave DLC active, tax laws are replaced by obligation laws, which allow the ruler to shift the focus of the obligations of the realm's vassals, between more taxes or more levies. With Sons of Abraham DLC and "Imperial Administration" law (or Iqta government), having a vassal holy order has an additional benefit: Free castles. Your bunch of platitudes, after a rant about "historical accuracy" that nobody asked for, doesn't list anything that increases the vassal-limit the wiki-link hadn't already given. Why did HRE set up an anti pope when the pope is already a vassal?
A count always owns the capital holding of a province (usually a castle). Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
On the military tab, this is the green and red bar on the right hand side. This page was last edited on 17 August 2020, at 15:02. < > Showing 1-15 of 33 comments . Looks like your edit got rejected. However, Catholics should keep in mind that bishops pay taxes to the Pope and stop providing troops if they like the Pope more than their liege. Nomads do not pay taxes to their liege. A character's gameplay is dependant on the religion they follow, their culture, and their government type. Iqta government do not have Noble and Church obligation laws.
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