The perfume of my skin that captivated you, That you have no excuses for your betrayal, That you had a thousand motives, in between the reasons, I may have spoken in your ear as he does no more, Don't lie to him anymore but admit your error, And if it's cause of me you do it, don't ask my pardon, Its up to you, that either you forgive him, That you forget him, that you abandon him. Translation of 'Dile' by Don Omar (William Omar Landrón Rivera) from Spanish to Russian
Но только надо-бы «восприимет» для ... For some reason I find this one a bit difficult to... doszedł książę Bolesław do władzy po trupie ... Parrita - Una Gitana del rastro de Madrid, Project A-ko (ost) - フォロー・ユア・ドリーム lyrics request, Haris Alexiou - Το τανγκό της Νεφέλης (To tangó tis Nefélis).
Но только надо-бы «восприимет» для ... For some reason I find this one a bit difficult to... doszedł książę Bolesław do władzy po trupie ... Parrita - Una Gitana del rastro de Madrid, Project A-ko (ost) - フォロー・ユア・ドリーム lyrics request, Haris Alexiou - Το τανγκό της Νεφέλης (To tangó tis Nefélis). If I looked at the line by itself, I would have thought that it was saying "forgive him," but Don Omar is talking about her infidelity.---Porque con llorar no se compone Because crying will … The perfume of my skin that captivated you, That you have no more excuses for your betrayal, That you had a thousand reasons, he has to reason, That maybe i speak in your ear as he does no more, Don't lie him no more but admit your error, And if it's for me you do it, don't beg for pardon, That you forget him, that you abandon him.
Say to him that tonight you want to see me, Say to him that this tonight you are going to see me, Tell him that you do not want to see anymore, That perhaps was the night the one that betrayed you, It was the perfume of my skin what captivated you, That you already have no excuse pa ' your treachery, That perhaps spoke to the ear as already he not, Or in me it burns the fire of the passion, Do not lie already to him any more and admit your error, There stays of you the fact that you excuse it, Because in spite of crying it does not consist. Эх, хорошо!
Translation of 'Dile' by Don Omar (William Omar Landrón Rivera) from Spanish to English (Version #3)
Translation of 'Dile otra noche' by Don Omar (William Omar Landrón Rivera) from Spanish to English Translation of 'Dile' by Don Omar (William Omar Landrón Rivera) from Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Эх, хорошо! Translation of 'Dile' by Don Omar (William Omar Landrón Rivera) from Spanish to English (Version #2) Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어
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