grendel quotes quizlet

The hall clattered and hammered, but somehow survived the onslaught and kept standing: it was handsomely structured, a sturdy frame braced with the best of blacksmith’s work inside and out. He had conjured the harm from the cutting edge Of every weapon. "His beard and nose struck out through the cheapskates, and his eyes,IN the shadowed recess of the helmet, were like two dark holes IN a tree.". Grendel Quotes Quotes Grendel Quotes. You are, so to speak, the brute existent by which they learn to define themselves.". This line means that he couldn't believe humans attacked humans. The body gaped at the stroke dealt to it after death: Beowulf cut the corpse’s head off. So the dragon once spoke. In off the moors, down through the mist-bands God-cursed Grendel came greedily loping. Nor did the creature keep him waiting but struck suddenly and started in; he grabbed and mauled a man on his bench, bit into his bone-lapping, bolted down his blood and gorged on him in lumps, leaving the body utterly lifeless, eaten up hand and foot. And I shall fulfill that purpose, prove myself with a proud deed or meet my death here in the mead-hall.’. The story goes that as the pair struggled, mead-benches were smashed and sprung off the floor, gold fittings and all. After his long fight with the demon, he is in pain and agony, but was still able to fight off the beast. Lines 159-163: The passage describes the terrifying effect Grendel has on the Danes, with his ability to come and go unseen in the night to murder them. It was a cold-blooded lie that a god had lovingly made the world and set out the sun and moon as lights to land-dwellers, that brothers had fought, that one of the races was saved, the other cursed. "The stranger's companions encircle us, useless words.". Grendel Quotes. The bane of the race of men roamed forth, hunting for a prey in the high hall. Talking, talking, spinning a spell, pale skin of words that closes me in like a coffin. It was only natural: kept them from overpopulating, maybe starving to death, come winter-but it was another thing to scare them, give them heart attacks, fill their nights with nightmares, just for sport.". But you have made yourself immortal by your glorious action.’.

I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. "I saw them, mounted on horses, holding torches up. ", So it goes with me, age by age.

Beowulf Grendel Quotes ‘If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day; he will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall, swoop without fear on that flower of manhood as on others before. Lines 774-781: Beowulf’s wrestling contest with Grendel wreaks more destruction than anyone had ever thought possible. This is to be the beginning of the fight with Grendel, who is described in dark, forboding tones through use of imagery and allusions to biblical stories. 130 likes . Choose from 110 different sets of classwork beowulf quotes flashcards on Quizlet.

Grendel's is talking about the thane.

This is when, the plot changes because Grendel follows them and finds these armies together. . Some of them had shiny domes(as it seemed to me then) with horns coming out, like the bull's". Basically he is saying that he wants to "…, Beowulf is speaking to Wealtheow. Yet he, the old Shaper, might make it true, by the sweetness of his harp, his cunning trickery. Time and again, foul things attacked me, Lurking and stalking, but I lashed out, Gave as good as I got with my sword. Both Wealtheow and Grendel's mother are two very important figures in the sense that they can both easily influence others. Have I not a right to test my own creation?

So he overcame the foe, brought down the hell-brute.

Lines 559-567: Beowulf’s swimming contest with Breca, in which he has to battle sea-monsters. Lines 779-804: Grendel is not capable of being being harmed by any blade or sword. He was frightened of Hrothgar when he was younger but now he older and weak. So much for heroism. Grendel is looking at the thanes for the first time and he compares them to bulls. The sounds were foreign at first, but when I calmed myself, concentrating, I found I understood them: it was my own language, but spoken in a strange way. 6. Grendel Quotes in Beowulf.

"Then voices, speaking words.

this is Grendel thinking to himself about how amazing the Shaper's stories were how he was cryng from it, "my advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it", seems pretty obvious, the dragon is speaking to Grendel giving him advice, Grendel wakes up and his mom says this, he is getting creepier as this is almost the end of the story, "fate often enough will spare a man if his courage holds", Beowulf is speaking and talks to Unferth about the whole swimming incident and how he wasn't actually a coward as Unferth had said, Nothing out of nothing, sort of the catchphrase for nihilism, said by Grendel after his mom says the fish thing and he was thinking about deep things (like life), "I create the whole universe, blink by blink", example of existentialism i believe, because Grendel realizes he can create whatever he wants with the world, this is when the bull is charging over and over again, Grendel explains how boredom is the worse kind of pain. ... A) armor…, Beowulf sets sail for Denmark with ... A)…, Scop to reader about Scyld. Maybe he compares them to bulls because he foreshadowing the way he is going to be treated in the future. Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. "Why can't these creatures discover a little dignity?". -At least I think it's joy. As I sat in the boat with my band of men, I meant to perform to the uttermost what your people wanted or perish in the attempt, in the fiend’s clutches. ‘Now Holy God has, in His Goodness, guided him here to the West-Danes, to defend us from Grendel. Beowulf is depicted with almost superhuman strength. 20. Grendel, expresses or states humans are dumb. "They sing , an antique language as ragged and strange as their beards, a language closer to mine than to their own.". "They build the whole world out of teeth deprived of bodies to chew or be chewed on". Grendel says that the person there isn't helping him with the way he speaks to him. They'd map out roads through Hell with their crackpot theories, their here-to-the-moon-and-back lists of paltry facts. Like a man outlawed for wickedness, he must await the mighty judgement of God in majesty. It came to me with a fierce jolt that I wanted it.

Their movements were stiff and regular, as if figured by logic... We stared at each other. They all knew what was coming, though nobody believed it. Quote 1: "Not that I fool myself with thoughts that I'm more noble." Lines 766-774: For all the details on the two fighters Beowulf and Grendel, the poet reminds us that what is at stake is the symbol of cosmic order.

Significance- This quote is comparing the ol…, Scop to reader about Grendel. For twelve winters, seasons of woe, the lord of the Shieldings suffered under his load of sorrow; and so, before long, the news was known over the whole world.

Lines 1333-1344: Hrothgar says that Grendel’s mother has set out to avenge her son’s death by killing someone from the tribe that killed him. The nature of evil may be epitomized, therefore, in two simple but horrible and holy propositions: 'Things fade' and 'Alternatives exclude.'. This constant boredom intensifies in chapter ten and only makes Grendel more anxious for something to happen. There was nothing to stop the advance of man. Lines 710-713: Grendel sets off to attack the mead-hall, where Beowulf and his companions stay in wait for the demon. Quote 2: "Bulls do such things, though they don't even know that the calves they defend are theirs." Also how the Prince I. This instance shows that humans need to assume some sort of identity to make them humans, while Grendel acts by his instinct alone.

So may you all'", when Grendel is dying he says this, he is saying he hopes all of the animals suffer like he did and have to go through the evil transformation that he did. A swollen-headed raider, full of boasts and stupid jokes and mead. Chapter 1, pg. . They were small, these creatures, with dead-looking eyes and gray-white faces, and yet in some ways they were like us, except ridiculous and, at the same time, mysteriously irritating, like rats. "The boy has the manners, he broods, of half-tamed wolf. Who can look into the wet-mouthed smiles of children and see a meadhall burning, or listen past their musical prattle to the midnight roar of fire?

Quotes Grendel Quotes Then a fierce evil demon suffered distress, long in torment, who dwelt in darkness. So much for the harvest-virgin. "They marched all night, then scattered into the forest like wolves and slept all day without fires". Then my face won’t be there to be covered in death: he will carry me away as he goes to ground, gorged and bloodied; he will run gloating with my raw corpse and feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy, fouling his moor-nest.’, ‘I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his reckless way to use weapons; therefore to heighten Hygelac’s fame and gladden his heart, I hereby renounce sword and the shelter of the broad shield, the heavy war-board: hand-to-hand is how it will be, a life-and-death fight with the fiend.


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