role of the skywarn spotter quiz answers

Some feedback from you is better than no input at all. In the rest of the module, we will discuss your potential role as a SKYWARN spotter. work related need to forward to Detroit tigers good course. It's best to stay in a sturdy structure like your home unless absolutely necessary, or be prepared to get to one fast. The NWS can receive reports by phone, amateur radio, or the internet. Throughout the previous scenarios, spotters used the concept of ACES to help lower their risk of the hazards they faced. Role of the SKYWARN ® Spotter Produced by The COMET ® Program. Spotters have been an integral part of making weather-warning decisions since the early 1940s. Just finished the class. I throughly enjoyed this course also and am looking forward to getting my skywarn updated. escape routes to limit your risk, and be ready to use them to protect yourself I'll recommend this to all my friends and family even if they don't wish to be spotters. This might have been intentional to force thinking but was frustrating to me. Did a wonderful job of giving examples on each topic to guide student in actual dangerous situations. Questions and answers are somewhat confusing in the way they are presented. I studied learning theories in graduate school that did not include Ebbinghouse' spaced learning theory. Very fun and informative. I have shared a experiance in High School.

I live right up there... third mailbox.

This is another good lesson to take, I enjoyed it again. Also, eliminate questions that ask "which of the following..." and then have a subjective set of points to choose from.

Well done! The Spotter Network website ( uses a computer interface that sends reports to the NWS. Payment is made only after you have completed your 1-on-1 session and are satisfied with your session. Very well written with excellent photographs and useful information.

These are quite helpful.

If you become a spotter, your reports could help in the decision-making process to get warnings to the public and save lives. If you want to join ARES, or just want to get involved with storm spotting in general, this should be a must pass class for you.

The familiar tone alert for NWS warnings echoes in your ears.

This is a great way to familiarize yourself with weather and what to look for and report!

I found this training more challenging and helpful then all others I attended. Great course to get you up to speed and understand concepts. This test made more sense but still needs more work on the options / point system. ive seen funnel clouds from a distant before, was in the fire service for 7 years, law enforcement for 1.5 years now I'm in the private sector and I kust enjoy the storms and formation of them. This stuff could save your or someone else's life someday. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. 5) what is convection? Gotta call this in! You will learn all this and more in this interesting two part class that can be taken right on your computer, where ever you are! Excellent course to see the basics. It's nice, both of the modules are. I didn't even get through the first senario before stuff seemed out of order and lacking explaintions of the pictures that are shown, Great lesson with good questions and videos for understanding, This was a very helpful and useful program.

Good presentation on this topic and good questions asked to insure understanding of material. We went to church, it was Palm Sunday, and then we had lunch with the Jacobsons. Module goes at your own pace which is helpful. This was a grand experiance. Good course and is presented well in this format.

SKYWARN Spotter, Convective, Convection, Basics, NWS, National Weather Service, Thunderstorms, Thunder, Lightning, Tornadoes, Hail, Rain Shaft, Mammatus, Anvil, Hail Shaft, Precipitation Shaft, Shelf Cloud, Thunderstorm Damage, Overshooting Top, Updraft, Wall Cloud, Thunderstorm Rotation, Virga, Hail Size, Storm Coloration, Tornado Look-alikes, Look-alikes, Wind Speeds, Storm Reports. It has a lot of good info. The module is extremely easy to follow as it includes descriptions and the people in the videos are not talking so fast that you can't hear.

Lovely course for identifying tornadoes. The noise grows louder. Good use of videos/scenarios in lesson plan. Seeing how they form/move would be awesome. U.S. STORM SPOTTER NETWORK. Heard about Studypool for a while and finally tried it. Tornado Become a Tutor. Easy Test For anyone Who Wants To Get Into Skywarn! Great lessons, only suggestion i would give instead of just talking about the images actually have animations (arrows, markers) on the images to better point out key parts of the images.

easy to understand and follow.

Only questions posted as Public are visible on our website. I thought it was helpful to have many varying pictures of storms along with detailed captions. location of spotter (if different than hazardous weather location), approximate location of hazardous weather. Excellent photos and descriptions of hazardous weather phenomenon. If you are interested in learning more about thunderstorms or in becoming a Skywarn spotter, t. here is more information at the following websites: Have a homework question?

My area in Mobile has been lucky with Ivan, Dennis, and Katrina; however, I don't know if our luck will hold much longer.

If you have an interest in weather, then you NEED this course !!!

Do better orally. Very helpful in understanding the different variations of weather patterns. NWS has been watching it. A good introduction to the basics of spotting and identifying a storm and its dynamics. Logged David.

Frequent lightning, gusty winds and quarter-sized hail have occurred with this storm. The book offers definitions for natural hazard, disaster, and catastrophe.

lesson are well written, easy to follow. it is required for members of my department to take every year. Overall very good learning experience. I find the print based with pictures easier to work with than the video. The forecasters there use your report when issuing warnings or verifying severe weather conditions and give more detail to the public about the current situation. The slate-colored skies are getting closer. To have this knowledge as a baseline or foundation and then get the classroom Storm Spotter and Community Emergency response Team (C.E.R.T.) The amateurish dialogue and sound effects with single image slides is cheap, cheesey, and not at all appealing.

What should you do to get back to work?

Gives you lots of pictures of many different stages of storm development. I took meteorology in college as an elective and have always enjoyed the subject.

When you hear thunder, what should you do?

You reach for your phone thinking about how dangerous this situation could become. You may skip a question and return to it at any point.

Would recommend to all interested in weather, Recieved a better understanding of types of storms and reporting, I would like to see more technical information in the training session. What features are associated with downdrafts?

Very well put-together and relevant. Sometimes the images and descriptions were difficult to follow; it would be useful to have particular regions of the image highlighted to show exactly WHAT led to the conclusions of the description. Some of the pictures are confusing to people with no previous weather training. It would be great if the photos earlier in the quiz were labeled for clarity. To begin the lab, download the attached Weather Spotter Lab Worksheet and answer the worksheet questions as you go through the modules. There were a few things on the quiz that weren't discussed in the course itself. Your grade will be determined by the lab quiz in Blackboard over the material in the lab worksheet. When are you safe outside if you hear thunder? Yeah, I'm with you Thundersnow...I LOVE the severe weather season and have since The Great Tornado Outbreak of April 3, 1974.


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