betta fish names by color
Chinchilla Supplies, Cages, and Accessories, 300+ Names for Fish – Funny & Unique Names for Boys & Girls, Everything You Need for a Pet Rabbit – New Owner Checklist, Plant a Guinea Pig Garden: Food You Can Grow for Your Pet Cavy. Hopefully you laughed and sang the song in your head; but if not, that’s okay, we are sure to make you chuckle at some of these unavoidably laughable and witty Betta names. Males and females look different from one another (males are larger with more vivid colors and long, flowing fins), so you’re unlikely to have a betta fish you don’t know the gender of, but you can still choose a unisex name. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "exoticanimals-20";

The first one is a black and turquoise half moon named Ninja, the next is a pinkish white Dalmatian veiltial named Lavender/ Shark Bait, and the last is a watered down pink and blue named Samurai. Afia means ‘born on Friday’ in Ghanaian. Double Trouble If you have a Doubletail swimming around your fish tank, this could be a great name. If you’re searching out betta fish names for your white betta, you can turn to all things white and wintery for inspiration. Could you give me a tip on what to name him? With the passage of time Marble bettas develop their colors, or change color patterns. We’re sure you will have found something suitable in our lists above, though of course we also know we’ve scratched the surface. With would you use? Some come from black objects or foods, whereas the darker side of life inspires others. You can check it out here: Best names for goldfish. Because he was dewey. Koi betta is also beautiful and famous for its color patterns. I got a male Black Orchid Beta and he’s black and white with a blue tint when he’s in certain light and he has a red little strip on his top fin. Just got a new Betta fish, and named it dorrito! These Bettas have spiky fins around their crown. Some of the names are ocean themed for extra fun. It is a difficult task coming up with a name for your new little pet. Thanks Steve, nice to hear it’s been helpful! Perhaps your little red Betta is your own little rose. [Untold Reasons], Molly Fish Care:(Feeding,Breeding,Tank Setup & More) 2020, Balloon Molly: Care, Feed, Breeding, Tank Setup, and More. Tazanna: Derived from Native American language, meaning princess. Now you’ve got your new betta fish home, first thing you must do is set up their tank and plan to properly care for them. That said, to start with we’ve put together a comprehensive list of male betta fish names you might choose to give your betta fish. My daughter named her red and blue betta Ironman and we had a pink dumbo named Kirby. Some people like feminine or flowery names for female bettas, whereas others prefer strong names. How can I make a betta that lives in a classroom live a long life? What something not cutsy since he survived so much, but easy to remember and say. You need to find them names that will suit their personality and maybe even add to it!

As nocturnal animals, you will only find them during the moonlit hours where you can witness some very [Continue reading …], If you want an aquarium that can easily fit in your living room yet create a focal point at the same time, then look no further than a 30 gallon fish tank. I was sad. It fit him great: he was flamboyant and very comical. Betta fish aren’t exactly as cute and cuddly as a fluffy puppy or a tiny baby pony, but we can’t see why you shouldn’t give yours an adorable name, anyway. I love the list my friend and I have been searching for a name for a while, thank you! Body can be any solid color and then the unpaired fins have two or sometimes three color bands. The Betta fish is a popular pet among Singaporeans.

Ultimate List 1300 Betta Fish Names By Type, Colors & Gender, Jane Eyre An Autobiography By Charlotte Bronte, 66 Beautiful Types of Betta Fish By Tail Patterns & Colors, How to Care & Grow Molly Fish Fry (Best Tips), How to Breed Mollies & Caring Pregnant Molly [The Right Way], Why Should You Choose a Biorb Fish Aquarium?

Sadly, I lost Rooster last night. Although another species, many of the names would still be suitable for a betta. Do Betta Fish Need a Filter in Their Tank? Opens in a new window; Opens in a new window; Opens in a new window ; Opens in a new window; Betta genetics could be an entire article on its own. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; Do none of the blue, or perhaps multicolored names above suit? Thank yo McKenzie, I’m glad it was useful. Some are obvious, whereas others are more creative, but either way, you’ll find some cracking names here. i have a blue female beta and non of the names really fit you know what i mean. Belinda: Derived from Italian, meaning beautiful or pretty. The colors are often blotchy with solid pale body color and red to the blue pattern. Beginners can learn about betta care here. Names For Betta Fish. Why? set up their tank and plan to properly care for them, Cool Betta Fish Names Based on Personality. Well, why not try one of these excellent red betta fish names? I see almost all the names I’ve ever used, and some great new ideas. Second to this? You can be quite obvious with personality-based names, or you can choose a subtler approach. Together we share here all the knowledge, how-tos and tips we’ve learned and continue to learn while keeping fish at home. Hopefully something will pop out to you! Have you been through the lists above? I got a baby betta boy and I named him from one of your lists he is blue,orange,and red. Betta fish is one of my favorite fish. Cute Names for Betta Fish; Betta Fish Names by Color. And if your bettas name isn’t on the list, or you know an interesting, funny, cute or plain weird name that would be apt for a betta fish that we haven’t mentioned please do let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you! I was manly think Winnie, Ah-Boo, Fin-ly, Or Mac. So I named him Neptune and call him Nepy ! The following names are best suited to orange betta fish. Ive had my fishie for a few weeks now and ive just now decided to name him Sevin. What’s the first thing most people will notice about your betta fish?

He only swims around if i go talk to him. These name ideas are perfect for red betta fish. Thanks for sharing!

Check out our megalist of fish names. he is mainly blue , but many other colurs too. Since they are well known for their bright colors, fancy fins, and independent lifestyles, we have crafted a list of good pet names. Thank you so much. LOVE the name ironman for a red and blue. I had a red which I named Cinnamon and a blue one I named China!

Like the color red, but better. i think sirius black is a good name for a black betta.

Best Names Collection for Male Betta Fish, Best Names Collection for Female Betta Fish, Names Suggestions for Multi-colored Betta Fish. amzn_assoc_linkid = "dbac45a7a4f10e6c9f2881df61fc5f94"; These clever betta names are perfect for green hued fish. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; If you have a Crowntail, it could be a cool idea to name him or her after some famous royalty. It is not a question of asking what color but of asking what shade of a particular color can I find in a Betta fish. You’ve got to choose a fitting betta fish name — but how? My Double-Tail is blue, lavender, and aquamarine.

You can choose a name for your betta fish in several ways, drawing inspiration from your life, your interests, what particular type of betta fish you have, the appearance of your fish, or simply pick something you think sounds cool.


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