good and evil in beowulf essay
English 11 ” Their wickedness seemed to spread to their home, infecting the lake in which they lived. “A deer, hunted through the woods by packs of hounds, a stag with great horns, though driven through the forest from faraway places, preferred to die on those shores, refused to save its life in that water. Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

An epic also recounts travels, quests and heroic battles; as well highlights the ideas of good vs. evil and moral dilemmas.

Evil" in Beowulf This poem is considered as an epic because it is a long narrative poem which composed in an elevated style, dealing with the glories of hero (Tolkien 24). The distinction between them is striking, particularly in the start of the sonnet. In another element that can be contested according to today’s values is that Beowulf represented a warrior culture which stated that it was better to get revenge than to grieve those who died: “Sorrow not, brave one! There are many symbols that represent good in Beowulf. The first battle between Beowulf and Grendel, Beowulf was God (good) and Grendel was Cain (evil). One of the reasons the wife wants to kill her husband is because she knows that he wants to kill her, and so she wants to kill him first. The poem ‘Beowulf’ clearly describes many elements related to the values that society treasured and believed in. Some of the heroes that had challenged Satan did so to protect the weak. But the current audience thinks good vs. evil is boring. evil, which helped portray the theme throughout that novel, and explained the overall effect of this theme on the poem as a piece of literature. Grendel moves in the dark, in a way to show that he is the dark messenger of evil, before to go to the land of Heorot looking for the warriors. The story of Beowulf was probably composed in England sometime in the Eighth Century AD, and written down circa 1000 AD, by a literate scop (bard) or perhaps a Christian scribe who was possibly educated in a monastery. The book stated, “…Since Cain had killed his only / Brother, slain his father’s son / with an angry sword. In each of the three battles in the book, Beowulf does something to create a more difficult battle for himself to appear stronger and better. When he finds them, he seizes thirty of the men during their sleep, and then kills them all. Grendel’s mother comes to the hall for revenge of her son. We can custom edit this essay into an original, 100% plagiarism free essay. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. He fought for good and represented it as well. U03a1-Unit 3 Assignment Evil remains surrounded by the darkness.

(2016, Nov 11). Against Grendel, Beowulf restricted himself from using weapons, poem of Beowulf, the theme is good vs. evil.

God had the same feelings for Grendel. Good versus evil is very easy to recognize. The Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf, was originally told orally then later was written down anonymously in the Old English language, human kind’s existence, there has forces of good and evil. Beowulf is obviously the champion of good and the Monsters and the Dragon are the symbols of evil.On the natural level also the fight has symbolic significance. Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Writer. Beowulf is not honest, women are sexually powerful, and the monsters are Hrothgar and Beowulf’s sons, etc. The poem was more than likely performed for audiences at court or on the road as the scop found audiences to support him. “They called him Grendel, a demon grim / Haunting the fen-lands, holding the moors / Ranging the wastes, where the wretched Wight / Made his lair with the monster kin” (61-64).

English 11 Evidence: in order to attack them we at least should have some good credible evidence, if we don’t this could turn into another world war sense Syria has some powerful allies, which... ...Good to Evil: The deterioration of an individual This story of Cain is used to compare God’s feelings of Grendal, a descendant of Cain. uses cookies. It is through the, Good vs. Retrieved July 7, 2006 from the world wide web: http://www. There are many different viewpoints on what is right and wrong and ethically and morally correct. Everyone is waiting at the surface of the lake and because it is taking such a long time that they have gave up hope. Another value was that honor comes as result of someone's actions and good doing during his life, while in Christianity, for example, honor and glory can only be received in the life after death. Attention!

You would be asking so many questions.

Students who find writing to be a difficult task. Being in the same religion as the rebels or the Syrian army does not mean that they all support the war, some of them are just innocent citizens caught in a war that they did not necessarily wanted. In the story of Beowulf, there are many different themes found.

Making bad decisions is a part of life. This poem is considered as an epic because it is a long narrative poem which composed in an elevated style, dealing with the glories of hero (Tolkien 24). Thought the years, the concept of evil within humanity has evolved from its previous primitive ideologies. Grendel tried to destroy everything around him while Beowulf tried to do good all the time. This motif shows the difference ... Various factors can influence an individual’s personality from good to evil. Word spreads of Grendel’s attack to the Geats. Thinking only of that which gave him pleasure, he attempted to destroy everything good and kind. “Beowulf” was able to portray good and evil throughout the poem’s actions, beliefs, monsters, heroes, Anglo-Saxon characteristics and paganism. The protagonist, Beowulf is a noble warrior represents the goodness battles against the evil monsters- Grendel, Grendel's mother and the fiery dragon in order to save his country. During 1000 A.D., evil was labeled as individuals who would cast magical, In Beowulf, the clash between good and evil is the poem's main and most significant focal point. The epic poem Beowulf encompasses all aspects of a great tale. Cain killed his brother because he was evil and God shunned and marked him for his evilness.

You would be asking so many questions. The first battle between Beowulf and Grendel, Beowulf was God (good) and Grendel was Cain (evil). I think that in Beowulf there are many interesting ways that evil and good are portrayed. By exploring the characteristics of “good vs. evil” such as Cain, Grendel and, Beowulf represents all of those values. The evil character, in this story, has no further goals to obtain through the killing and the terror caused, because those means are the same as the ends. In each of the three battles in the book, Beowulf does something to create a more difficult battle for himself to appear stronger and better. If I had to choose between helping Syrian rebels or not, I would say no, innocent people are dying yes, but we don’t have enough evidence of the Syrian army using chemical weapons, on the other hand innocent people have died in the hands of the Syrian army whether they used chemical weapons or not. Beowulf's victory over Grendel and his mother shows the power of goodness can defeat the evil forces. God used his wrath to take care of Cain. God has the same feelings for Grendal.

It was sung or chanted rather than recited it, and usually to the accompaniment of a harp. They added many things that were definitely now in the poem. Evil, no matter how powerful and no matter how fearless, will have to face the powers of good and only the chosen one, who has all the required physical and mental tools, will be able to stop and defeat the powers of evil and to purify the world and will bring justice, love and happiness.

He believed that it was not the consequences of the... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Good and Evil in Beowulf.


Beowulf is a case of somebody who speaks to great and Grendel is somebody who speaks to insidious. Although the battles between Beowulf and the various monsters may seem clear cut as good versus evil, Beowulf has a mix of both humble and selfish intentions behind each battle. The constant battle between good and evil rages still rages. It is indeed immediately evident to the reader (or listener) of Beowulf, that the poem is heavily laden with themes of fate and destiny. God and evil have many different definitions, but when it comes to “Beowulf,” the idea was portrayed perfectly. The evil character presented by the story is the typical one that possesses tremendous powers and that has the most horrendous of looks. What typically would characterize a proper epic is the use of a main character known as the “Epic Hero” with a supernatural enemy that compliments the character’s traits. This was actually an allusion from the Bible, the story of Cain and was used to compare God’s feelings of Grendel, a descendant of Cain. Kant believed that morality was not just about the results or effect of an action but the will behind the action. Beowulf, God, and Wiglaf represented good in the poem whereas Grendel, his mother, and Cain portrayed the contrasting side of evil. The protagonist, Beowulf is a noble warrior represents, The constant battle between good and evil rages still rages.

Beowulf was all that was good, moral, and ethical. It had its roots in folk tales and traditional stories until some very talented poet put it in something very near to its current form. The villain is, human kind’s existence, there has forces of good and evil. Hrothgar shows liberality and decency in his standard, while Beowulf shows grit, fearlessness, and astuteness when battling Grendel, his mom, and the mythical serpent.

The fight is between good and evil because it is stated by Beowulf when he announced that he would rid Heorot of evil. ... Grendel's mom is insidious, not on the grounds that she looks for sad vengeance but since she is an animal of damnation who longs for death. But in the movie Hollywood made everything is different.

Evil" in Beowulf

Even though Beowulf is killed by the dragon in the end, his heroic death fulfills with courage and glory. Beowulf and Grendel represented the ultimate struggle of good and evil. Disclaimer: This essay is not an example of the work done by the EssayPay© service. To understand the differences we must take a closer look at the motivations of each of them; Achilles was a great warrior that sought glory and fame through revenge, social status and through the pursuit of power, while Beowulf sought glory through a different path; his main concern was to save and protect his people and his soldiers. These wars begin because of a religious rivalry between the Sunni and Shia Sunni are the minority in Syria and they also are part of the Syrian armed forces or their army, Shia in the other hand is the rebels, and therefore the majority.


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