Made from 1095 carbon steel like most outdoors TOPS models, the Earth Skills Knife has a scandi grind and comparatively thin blade stock – about .125″ thick. I always bring the Frosts camping or fishing as backups and loaners in case anyone forgets a knife, or something should happen to mine (I generally carry a Bushcraft Basic #1 from Condor, which is another Puukko design). Danjo: Yes!
While appearing from the series he clarified that his audiences and educated the very competencies. Dual Survival is really more entertainment rather than education at this point (my 2 cents). More Than Just Surviving is a survival blog that concentrates on wilderness survival, preparedness, and gear.
Too bad there was a good conversation hoping on…, Hey Dominick! Please keep in mind, the stock of this tool is 1/8" thick. They move fairly quickly in the shots of it, and the two knives look similar to a point. If you are not wanting to bring a full size machete with you in the winter (I usually have a parang or kukri on me), than this is a good alternative.
His store is awesome… he never tries to push his products either, and isn’t a gimmicky personality at all, which I think is an incredible strength of his. The older 90’s manufacturers often did not square the spine and left it with a rough forge finish up until 2005. Thanks again!
I have never had a complaint myself, or from anyone I have lent them to.
I really hope Matt can dig in and keep his head/calm when dealing with the brat. More shallowly, I can’t stand the way he says the word “huge.” More in depth, I think he’s arrogant, overbearing, and an extremely negative representation of what it is to be a military man. It might very well be, I did mention the Ron Macy custom in past episodes but in Deadly Dunes I couldn’t get a clear enough shot to positively 100% identify it, In time I will most likely go back and re-watch it in a high resolution format. I can not find any information on this knife anywhere nor can I find a knife that looks similar to the one that he had. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Elise, I was just watching the old S02Ep10 “Road To Nowhere” episode where Cody is using his Kellam Knife. Obviously, it falls into a much larger size category.
My dream of surviving with Cody and Dave aside, the reality of bushcraft in the US is that big honking knives are not useable.
In the episode Slash and Burn, I’m not 100% , but pretty sure Dave used the pathfinder Scout knife; it is slightly bigger than the plsk1 and has a flat grind. 1) All the knives listed are Mora’s as I already explained, Mora is town which is famous for making a style of knife, Mora of Sweden (Frost’s) does not *own* that pattern. We’re able to view the show, but I don’t know if we’re going to be updating again as time restraints have made this very hard to do.
It appears someone else tried this out before selling it. History Channel’s “Alone” Survival Gear Lists – Season 1, Imodium’s Survival Applications: What It Is & Why Carry It Everywhere, Cheap Survival Gear: Best You Can Buy for Under $25, That Exists?
That makes perfect sense, actually! I haven't got too much use out of this knife but I have already bought two. This knife has one of my favorite handles that I fell in love with with my Sharkie Trainer. Matt is new to working with Joe and seems to be doing most of the important work thus far. If there is a hell, the Execs of Discovery will definitely have a one way ticket along with their hero jojo………. I’d feel safe with the two of them, can’t say the same about Joe. 13 1/2" overall. I'm a big Matt Graham fan but that doesn't make my review biased in any way. I’d like to say it was the belt knife. Yes!
The Spyderco Forums are a special place for many reasons, not least of all because members of the Spyderco crew often post and interact with fans on there –... Kyle Chumchal of KC Knives has joined the engineering team at Microtech.
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Cody was hands down more experienced in the desert scenarios, they were dead even in the arctic and tropical island scenarios, but in the forrest, swamp or jungle, Dave knew more than Cody and it became more obvious as the show went along. I use Busse,swamp rat ,becker and essee knives,These show choices prove its the owner vs steel . This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Full tang on back and wood covering the front. Another good example would be the Sodbuster pattern- whilst Case is famous for manufacturing it they do not *own* that pattern. I have a really nice puukko knife with combo birch and Reindeer antler handle, but it cost me quite a bit and looks so nice, that I can’t see myself really taking it out and using it for much.
The old Premier #1 used to have a full length rat tail tang that was peened on the bottom of the handle like most puukko knives. :(.
The Moras (he’s used a Classic 1 and 2) and sells both the #2 and another signature Mora on his own webpage He’s used the Kellam Wolverine and other Puukko knives on the show. It's thin with TOPS'; …
Just went through the last episode, size and shape is consistent with the Condor Gladius Hunter- good job guys! Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2018.
We originally thought this to be the case, but because of some pretty convincing angles, we changed our minds and thought Matt was actually using the Condor Tool & Knife Gladius Hunter. Just saw a couple of 2014 episodes of Dual survival. Actually, I just re-watched the last two episodes of season 1 and the first one of season two. It is carbon steel hence the name O1. Matt Graham‘s knife of choice on Dual Survival: Modified Condor Tool & Knife Jungle Bowie *Note: NOT the Condor Tool & Knife Gladius Hunter; Condor’s 2015 line now includes a new knife in the spirit of Matt Graham’s modified Jungle Bowie – the Condor Primitive Bush Knife *(used to sell out quick; if out of stock on Amazon, check Blade HQ) Dual Survival: List of Knives Used in … I just don’t understand how the show can “go on” without him… it’s going to be so bad.
Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books.
yeah joe is kind of a jerk but he’s fun to watch running through the woods like a kid playing rambo and he makes a good pack mule to carry the gear. Not to take away from the knife, but the sheath is a work of art.
Alaska the last frontier
I have tested it out. Longer, wider shiny blade, bigger, newer handle. Matt Graham(straight from your very first row) presents following performing a few tasks together along with his individuals on 2-2 oct 2018 (image: Matt Graham’s Insta-gram ) Following the initial of this season, Matt and also Joe’s lovers had been shocked to observe the lack of Matt and contested about him into the station. HOWEVER, Discovery is airing the episodes filmed before firing teti to appease their MONEY HUNGRY VERACIOUS APPETITE.
Hudson Bay, Green River, French and English trade knives, Bowies (which came along later as a variant of a butcher knife after Jim Bowie’s brother started making them), all had different purposes and characteristics. He has more "dirt time" than almost anyone else out there. I like how light this knife is while still being big enough to feel like a big knife. It had a wooden handle instead of the leather handle it typically has.
So yup, I’ll be doing the same as you, rewatching the first two seasons over and over, and half pretending the other seasons of Dual Survival don’t even exist.
And the screenshot of the sheath on one of the episodes is of a dave beck scout sheath like someone in the comments above mentioned. The sheath design is different than Cody’s but the k-nife is very similar. Probably the last knife I will ever buy.
If it were my “one tool option”I would not feel under equiped.I am saying this as a former Army Scout {NON-MOTERIZED]. I’m not sure what the two latest guys are carrying on the show, but Condor Tool and Knife has shown me several new Matt Graham knives.
Maybe you can cut that steak with your new knife. You do not need to replace the viking if you do not feel the need but this knife is just another option for those looking for a similar knife to Cody’s.
If it were for real, I think Dave, Cody or Matt would abandon Joe very early on and tell him that he was on his own and walk out themselves much more effectively than they would having to carry Joe along and listening to his constant mouthing off. Geronimo and Jim Bowie were fighters as well as survivors, thus the preferences that they had tended to go in that direction.
Looks to be almost shaped like some machete type of knives I have seen in shows. Of course if you find any stills yourself then I will update it to a knife that fits. I believe it is the Ontario due to the saw back + general size and handle shape.
Dude can be running workshops and You Screwed, At the time of now, Matt sometimes appears at his series. It's thin with TOPS'; modified Scandi grind, a tumble finish and tan canvas Micarta handle scales. Please, log in or register, Designed by Matt Graham, who is much more than just a "survivalist", Copyright © 2020 TOPS Knives / All Rights Reserved. Most knife fails are either due to really poor craftsmanship or people who don’t know how to use them. But! TOPS is releasing the Earth Skills Knife, a new machete design from a returning collaborator.
I always file the back edge of them to a 90 degree angle (most of the classics are slightly rounded) so I can get good sparks from a ferro rod, and once that’s done, they are the best knives I have ever used. Dave is also a natural teacher. Has Matt said anything about the knife himself? Personally, the first two seasons of Dual Survival have and will always be my favourite. Matt knife used on “Grin and Bear it” is a WK II belt knife, field knife or hunting knife. Looks like Cody has a HELLE’ of some sort, maybe the Les Stroud designed TEMEGAMI.
Discovery is responsible for the SLAPP lawsuit brought against the SFA and Captain Hawke. He gathers more food (he didn’t need Joe to help kill that pig, not to mention catching that turkey!)
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That being said, if you spot a knife that’s relatively easy to get (preferably production) and fits better than the Helle Viking, I’d of course be happy to change what’s on the list!
Kinda difficult considering the guy doesn’t use a computer or Facebook and so there’s no way to contact him! Ultimate survival alaska Thank you very much. With regards to the machete, they are always very difficult to identify as they have uniform shapes with no easily discernible logo’s. Right?! One or another of the Swedish companies made the knives under their private label. Das Messer hab ich mir für gröbere "Survival" Aufgaben gekauft. Thanks for the links, very interesting! The Earth Skills Knife has an extra large lanyard hole located on its pommel, and it weighs 11.9 oz. It is on display at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2016.
420 is plenty though and rust always ends up being an issue in Central Texas before the need to make fire is an issue.
In regards to BCUSA I am the one who started the thread and it mysteriously disappeared.
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