We can’t wait to hear and see (tag us #quizletalonetogether on Twitter or Instagram) what you think and how you’re playing Quizlet Live with your students — no matter where you (and they) are. If the Term is too long, then the words eventually get cut off by the answers. It allows me to scaffold the formative assessment accordingly.
Although I have used the team feature for live classes, I am curious to hear from those that have used the team feature remotely. Quizlet live allows you to take any set of flashcards with 12 or more terms and turn them into a fast-paced, competition among your students. Mu students love playing Kahoots. Once we are finished making we'll be doing quizlet live for sure. Thank you quizlet team!
I will be trying this next week using Zoom. It's great news for me and my students. I'm look forward to trying the new mode! I would love to play this! Culture I think I second what most are saying in that we would love to have Quizlet Live available for students to complete within a certain time frame. I have enjoyed using Quizlet live with my students both inclass and remotely. Thank you so much for being responsive to student and teacher needs. , we play and to give points I do a screen shot of players, must use real names, which I paste to a word document. We have Zoom conference sessions already scheduled per department. Read on to learn how five teachers have used Quizlet Live, and why they love it! In the process, the ways students learn have also changed dramatically — and while screen time is up, many of the engaging ways students have interacted with each other have all but disappeared.
I think they would love it if we could play it like that. Great idea!!! I use Kahoot now and then and enjoy it but I like the idea of the Quizlet live so that students can be teamed up. I can't wait to use it with my students. Select the correct definition given a word, or 2. Allow your students to use your Quizlet study sets as a word bank, especially in a world language class. Individuals mode in Quizlet Live is available today for free for all teachers. As remote learning becomes routine, many school districts are preparing to keep learning virtual at least part of the time for the upcoming school year.
“I love that once a student gets a question wrong, it asks them to repeat all the questions which means that they can review learning constantly. I'm in an asychronous environment and would love to use quizlet live. A true and much needed gift right now! Which of the following ports are used by Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop? Introducing Quizlet Live with a twist — individuals instead of teams. One thing that my class has done as well is Kahoot with the teacher screen sharing on Zoom, you could probably do that with Quizlet Live Individuals too! I had planned to do this with my students after Spring break.. not on Zoom or meet, but just set up a time and a link for us to play. I am excited to try it! Our team has been hard at work over the past few weeks to make it easy for you to continue to play Quizlet Live with your students when they can’t be physically together. I just tried it out with my friend... something to note. If I feel like the students are simply doing a recall from previous lesson's new terms, then I choose option 1. Definitely making a way for them to play asynchronously would be great. I think it would be a good idea to keep this feature when we return to the classroom.
My kids have been playing as teams from home, but they can't call out to each other, they have to wait if they don't have it for their teammate to answer. Technology, Quizlet live allows you to take any set of flashcards with 12 or more terms and turn them into a fast-paced, competition among your students. I've played Quizlet live team mode in Zoom breakout rooms it compels them to really collaborate and works well once they get the hang of it.
seems like it might be fun can't wait to try it out, Me gusta, quizlet live, pero debes ser maestro para usarlo, It’s here! However, it was difficult for the teams to collaborate.
This is a game changer for us! Thanks for helping us with this update! Sorting things by category is a valuable skill - it helps builds understanding of concepts. Thank you! Same as some other comments.. Show the leaderboard too! It seems like it would work in teams if students are together in a Zoom breakout room. This is the best idea you created.
I love this! How did students communicate with each other? Just like in the classroom, when asked if they wanted to play another round, they all say ‘YES!’ Teachers just have to be willing to try it, as well as any new thing.”. It'd be awesome if you could create something that would allow for the competition to be completed at the student's pace. It works great on their phones too, and we have done that in a pinch if someone's device wasn't available. I have been missing quizlet live! To play, you’ll need at least two student players and six terms within a set to get started, but from there, you can make your sets as big as you like and compete with up to 40 students.
Thanks for this new resource option.
Free Quizlet Teacher to support remote learning. Thank you so much Quizlet! Thank you.
What I really like about Quizlet Live is ... it can run independently to any other teaching.”. O.M.G. I like that Quizlet Live has two forms: 1.
It's great because it creates comradery amongst my students. WE LOVED IT!
And we're also going to be adding a way to quickly share a link that you could send out to your students who might be playing without seeing your screen. Student names appear below the code as they join the game. We continue to love your program and THANK YOU for helping us help our students. We meet on Thursday..My students will be so happy. Ready to get play? I believe my students are going to love it because playing Quizlet live would make their lives more fun. “I would suggest that all teachers use Quizlet as a tool when planning for virtual teaching. 2020 Quizlet Unconference Day 2 - Agenda! My end was a little slow because my internet is not of good quality. It takes a little longer, but Quizlet should take advantage of this situation and create a screen where we can all see our teammates screen. We did play Live in a Zoom (I shared my screen for their progress.) We've played almost every school day, and luckily I've had at least a third of my class join for at least a few rounds each day, but I usually keep games going for 30 min to an hour. Maybe they could be timed for speed and accuracy to get through a set.
We use Google Meet. I am gong to use Quizlet more next year. Thank you for this. Quizlet Live has provided many a teacher with the opportunity to both check pupil learning, but also maintain pastoral contact with their pupils having been used in both lessons and online tutor time.
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